Let the Blogging Begin

Mollie D. Such
Sixth Street and Beyond
3 min readJan 6, 2017

Why we started Sixth Street and Beyond

Hey Ya’ll! Welcome to Sixth Street and Beyond! While some of you may know us as the “Dawahare girls” who grew up on Sixth Street, we are growing up into ladies, changing names, and leaving home. Since we didn’t get to start a band (sorry, mom and dad!) or live on a big compound together (maybe someday), we thought sharing a blog would be something we could create and share together. With today’s technology, the miles between us don’t feel that long, but it’s times like “Elias is walking now!” and “Let’s have a movie and fire night!” that remind us of how far we really are. We are hopeful that sharing a blog will help us to communicate more and grow closer together. Our hope is that our readers connect with us as well-it’s bound to happen…you have four chances-and learn something new each week. Let this blog be an avenue for a brief distraction from your busy lives. We promise to entertain. Feel free to leave comments, questions, or ideas of what you’d like us to discuss for future posts. We are always open to suggestions. We believe God put this blog on our hearts so we can share our story with you. He works in all ways and in all lives, so come check out what He’s doing in these four sisters!

A little bio for those that don’t know us….

The order: Rebecca, Mollie, Catherine, Sarah Frank (Frankie), and we have a little brother, James Campbell (goes by Campbell) but he is 16 and has more weight to lift than stories to write.

Becca lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her handsome hubs, Braden, and their adorable son, Elias James. She attended Belmont University where she studied classical voice. Yupp, she is a trained opera singer. She now leads worship at their church and works part-time at the Smile Direct Club. Becca studied abroad in Italy and took a cooking class and now knows how to make the best spinach gnocchi.

I’m Mollie. I live in Lexington, Kentucky with my husband of (almost) 9 months and work as a registered dietitian at the University of Kentucky as a program coordinator for our department. I’m learning all about how to be a good wife — starting with no pajama Wednesdays and big breakfast Saturdays. I love to cook so you’ll most likely be seeing recipe and kitchen hacks from me. I may love red wine and coffee more than water and trail running more than walking.

Catherine is our tried and true middle child. She lives in Lexington and shares an apartment with Frankie. She is a civil engineer and is interested in transportation. As much as Cat Bird (nickname) loves learning about roadways and why blacktop is better for roads than cement, she would much rather be in the hills exploring. Her goal in the next year is to hike part of the Appalachian Trail…If anyone has any experience in this, send it her way.

Frankie (Sarah Frank) was the last girl, and supposed to be the last child, and so named after our father, Frank. That is how she ended up with the endearing nickname. Frankie is starting her last semester of nursing school before her service as a missionary begins this summer. She will be a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary at TBD. If you’re ever in the need for an April Fool’s prank, this is your girl. The should’ve been actress can get you to believe anything-it’s kind of scary.

So there’s a little bit about us. We aren’t sure who will be writing next, but we count on you to check out who is! Have a wonderful first weekend of 2017! God bless, Mollie.



Mollie D. Such
Sixth Street and Beyond

Catholic, Wife, Dietitian, Cook, Adventurer, Lover of all things natural, beautiful, and delicious.