Frankie Dawahare
Sixth Street and Beyond
5 min readMar 11, 2017

Wow!!!! What a crazy and AMAZING past week it has been in this girl’s life! First and foremost, I got engaged which is still hard to believe. In fact, if there wasn’t a ring on my finger, I would probably believe I had dreamt it all. Yet, God once again says, “Nope, Frankie believe it. I TOLD you to trust in my perfect timing.” WHAT?!?! On top of that, this week I also took my last two nursing exams to complete nursing school and now have just six more weeks until I walk across the stage at graduation. It’s an amazing time in my life right now and I promise you all I will soak up every minute! But I’m gonna need all of your prayers for David and me as we begin the journey to prepare for marriage.

So about the proposal...It’s kind of the biggest thing in my life right now so I figure it’s a good time to write about it. :)

I had just gotten back from visiting Elias, Becca, and Braden in Nashville when David said his mom had just texted him saying they may come in that weekend (March 3rd-5th). Then he told me to invite my parents so the two families could meet (little did I know he had already planned that my parents would come in — He just didn’t want me to be suspicious). Then I called Becca and Braden and they said they just wanted to get out of town so they were coming up to Lex and would arrive that night (Friday, March 3rd). My thoughts? → “Jesus, I know it probably won’t happen this weekend, but that would be pretty amazing.” So, Friday passes and Saturday morning I head to the library to get some hours of studying in so I could enjoy the day with both of our families. All the while his parents and mine were meeting for the first time at Aunt Nellie’s discussing the engagement that would happen THAT evening! What I also didn’t know…The ring wasn’t going to come in on time — but more on that later. So, I meet everyone at Aunt Nellie and a crew of us go to eat. After, I went with the guys to Christ the King to play with Elias on their jungle gym on the most beautiful day we’ve had this year! Seriously — God pulled out all the stops. We then proceeded to David’s apartment to have a huge cookout with some friends and both of our families. After deciding we needed a change of scenery and Elias needed his bed, we decided to meet back at Mollie and Nick’s for a game night. However, that’s when David pulled me aside saying he needed some time just the two of us and he wanted to go the chapel and pray. Not thinking anything of it we told the family we would meet them there and headed to pray. All the while David is in the car talking about how he’s just been in a funk and there was just too much going on this weekend, etc. Really setting me up to believe that NOTHING was going to happen. He then apologized because he knew my mind was probably thinking up a proposal with everyone in town…All the while I’m feeling pretty bad because he genuinely looked upset that my hopes were up a little bit.

However, through it I looked at Jesus and simply said, “I trust in You. Yes this was the perfect weekend but I also know you will time it out when You see fit.” I left the chapel at peace knowing God would take care of everything when it was time…As we approached the car David opened the back door to drop his book in the back seat (unusual but ok) saying, “Oh yeah, babe you’re parents gave us something to open and I had a question for you...” (Ok…hmm..) then He pulled out a white ring box and an envelope. He got down on one knee and then began to explain what had been going on that weekend!

Back to the ring situation. It was supposed to arrive that weekend but got delayed in Memphis. David said he had been freaking out about it all day but that he and the family decided it was better to have everyone there then to wait on the ring. He then said in the box was my Sity’s ring to wear that night because he wanted to me to have something on…So there, in Christ the King parking lot outside of the Adoration chapel, David West proposed! AHHH! The envelope held a letter that he gave to me on our year anniversary saying I couldn’t open it then. However, inside held all the dates leading up to the engagement..When he asked my parents for their blessing, when he went ring shopping, when he bought the ring, and more. We then headed to Mollie and Nick’s for a party with family and friends. Andddd then I pretty much floated on air the rest of the night…ha! but seriously…What. A. Freaking. Good. Day.

Now, I need your all’s help! My prayer thus far was that Jesus would continue to mold mine and David’s hearts and prepare them for the next step we would take in our relationship. So, now that this has happened, my prayer becomes more than simply praying for this, but for our MARRIAGE. Going into this engagement my prayer is that God would continue the work He has already begun. That throughout this time, I may pray for and accept the graces needed to have a holy family. To be a wife and one day (gasp) mother that I hoped and dreamt of one day being will take much more prayer and grace then I realize right now. So I ask that after you read this post, you may send up a quick prayer for us and this beautiful time of celebration and love.

THE ring that came in that Monday! We got to celebrate again :)



Frankie Dawahare
Sixth Street and Beyond

Senior Nursing student turned Catholic missionary, navigating through life with the help of the Spirit and beautiful souls.