Daily Haiku: 42: Giraffe

a poem about a favorite long-necked animal

Katie Rodante
Sixty Second Stories


Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

long necked spotted babe

with long spotted legs to match

majestic giraffe

Giraffes are my favorite animal. Okay, one of my favorite animals. My other favorite is llamas. What can I say? I love animals with long necks.

They are majestic and beautiful. So tall! So spotted!

I recently watched a documentary about giraffes and learned that there are actually six types of giraffes, and they don’t all have the same markings — the patterns are slightly different on different kinds. I couldn’t believe that through all of my years of giraffe love, I’d never noticed.

A long, long time ago (back in 2009!), there was a project online called One Million Giraffes. The purpose was to collect art created in the shape of a giraffe. From the website:

On the 6th of June 2009 I made a bet with my good friend, Jørgen. He didn’t believe it was possible for me to collect one million giraffes. 440 days later I proved him wrong with help of people from all around the world. 102 countries helped out showing Jørgen how amazing the internet is.

Several people drew or painted giraffes, while others used different materials to create their giraffe like pasta…



Katie Rodante
Sixty Second Stories

Author of “Autumn Reveries,” writer of haiku, short stories, and articles on creativity + intentional living. http://katierodante.com