Remote Work: Sixty Two’s Instruction Manual

Aside from “how did Agustian get his great sense of humor?” the most asked questions that our founders Vilia and Agustian get is definitely “how do you build and manage a successful remote-team?”

Sixty Two
Sixty Two Tales
3 min readOct 28, 2019


Just kidding — Agustian’s sense of humor is… shall we say niche. The kind that if you hear one, you’ll laugh because you feel bad if you don’t — cos he tries, we’ll give him that. We say niche because only acquaintances will give him that — we’re close enough to him that we don’t even bother anymore. The most that he’ll get from us is a forced smile now.

But the remote-team question is for real. Many of our clients, partners and peers in the industry are keen on building to build a remote team but unsure if it could work.

Especially in South East Asia, where remote-work is uncommon. Can a work-force so used to traditional office settings succeed in working remotely?

If you ask us, the short answer is Yes. The long answer: see our manual below.

To give you a background, we are a 12-person design studio with team members spread around the globe. We are based in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Sydney, San Francisco and Vancouver.

How do we do it, you say? With a mash-up of a suitable crew, shared expectations, tools and processes that are conducive for remote-work.

We have tried different approaches along the years and toss out the ones that don’t work and keep the ones that are working.

Since we enjoy working remotely so much, we’ve put together a manual based on what works for us. Not every point may work for your team, but we hope that these can give you a good starting point.

Hope you’ll find this useful. If you like it, please share with a friend.

So tell us, what do you think? Wondering more about how our team works? Drop a line to us on Instagram, or check out more of our works at We’d love to chat :)



Sixty Two
Sixty Two Tales

Group of digital product strategists & designers committed in creating highly relevant and well-designed products! @sixtytwo