Sixty Two’s December Picks: 💌Turning to a new chapter
Happy New Year, internet folks from our family to yours! We hope you came into 2021 refreshed and rejuvenated from the little break at the end of 2020. We are hopeful to see the world unfurling again back to the new age of normal in 2021 and encourage you to keep an optimistic mind as well. Trust me, 2021 can’t get any worse than 2020 — but hey, I don’t wanna jinx anything here.
Before the break, we’ve cooked up a not-so-little experiment in the XR world. A little feast for the eyes and the soul to cheer you up within the walls of your own home. The team made a Christmas card that you can personalize and give as well to your friends and family.
We don’t have a whole lotta picks this month as the team takes some time off and reconnect with loved ones. Without further ado, our picks for December…
A newfound love for opera
Blob Opera
I was never the person who would go on Spotify and type in ‘opera.’ I don’t know about you, but it just never crossed my mind. However, minutes after fiddling around with these ridiculously cute blobs, I headed over to Spotify to type in o-p-e-r-a. Check out these quartet, as they perform Christmas jingles, or even a melody you’ve decided to compose.
Unpacking the misconceptions
10 misconceptions on UX
Test yourself with 10 questions circling around the misconceptions on UX. I’ve got a 9 out of 10, yikes! As you unfurl the misconceptions, look out for Castor and Pollox’s utterly playful web interactions, bright colour combos, and adorable illustrations.
Who knew corns could be interesting?
Corns. Revolutionized.
Journey on to the lifecycle of corns and how scientist have been engineering it into perfection ✨From the moment it sprouts from a seed, to the moment it stretches out into acres into the field. I’m not corn expert, but let me give it to you, the experience of scrolling through this web is just ingenious!
An avenue for expression
Designers Against Coronavirus
Marvel on these all aesthetic collection of submissions from designers across the globe and donate to support frontline workers – Italian Red Cross and International Red Cross. Here’s a few of our faves:
What’s your pick? We’re curious to know what you’re seeing, reading, listening, and doing. Drop us a line or those claps to see more of these content in the future!