South Jersey Progressive Democrats’ Year in Review

Kate Delany
SJ Advance
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2021

2021 was a busy and productive year for South Jersey Progressive Democrats. Movement building, electoral organizing, issue advocacy, watchdog work, citizen journalism: we did it all! Here’s a look at some of the highlights for our year of hard work in the trenches, fighting for South Jersey:

  1. We held a rally with Food and Water Watch in Gibbstown, at the site of the planned LNG Export Terminal, a fossil fuel project that would put the entire region at risk.
  2. We stood with the Camden Education Association in their fight to protect public schools in Camden.
  3. We participated in CWA’s efforts to prevent the Camden County Commissioners from transferring the Camden City Financial Department over to the county which would have undermined fair representation and self determination for city residents.
  4. We joined Our Revolution NJ in pressuring Donald Norcross to support Medicare for all.
  5. We ran a diverse slate of active community members for Democratic State Committee to make sure that Norcross flunkies did not walk back in unchallenged and to raise questions in the minds of Camden County Democrats about who is really representing them.
  6. Our members ran successful board of education races to ensure progressive voices on our school boards.
  7. We supported the work of good government advocates in Cumberland County who successfully defeated a county plan to privatize the public sewer system.
  8. We ran candidates for party office in three different municipalities, growing our movement. In Merchantville progressives won county committee seats off the party line.
  9. Along with Food and Water Watch and Delaware River Keepers Network, we participated in the Walk for Our Grandchildren, highlighting the importance of protecting the Delaware and ending fossil fuel development.
  10. We launched a citizen journalism site, SJ Advance, to tell community stories from a grassroots citizen perspective.
  11. We participated in resolution advocacy with Food and Water Watch asking local officials to take a stand against the transportation of fracked gas through their communities.
  12. We advocated to local policy makers that they stay committed to sustainability issues outlined in community Master Plans and not contribute to the warehouse-ification of South Jersey.
  13. We supported candidates for county level offices who share our values of resident centered governance and fair ballots and elections.
  14. We did a lot of watchdog work at the Camden County Board of Elections, getting a closer look at how votes are tallied and potential conflicts of interest on our County Election Board.
  15. We supported municipal office candidates running on reformer platforms, taking on entrenched powers.
  16. We blocked the Camden County Democrats’ attempt to revise party bylaws in a way that would cancel out the power of elections and the voice of the people.
  17. We held a fundraiser for NJ Working Families ballot line lawsuit and played some phantom candidate bingo to highlight the continued problem of the Camden County Democrats running fake candidates as spoilers in our elections.
  18. We supported the Pinelands Preservation Alliance call for meaningful independent representation on the NJ Pinelands Commission, calling on Senator Dawn Addiego, Governor Murphy and our County Commissioners to appoint conservation minded representatives.
  19. With Food and Water Watch, we canvassed Cherry Hill residents to support community wide renewable energy.
  20. We served as eyes and ears of the public at our county commissioners, analyzing how our tax dollars are spent.
  21. We amplified the Good Government Coalition’s call for a fair ballot in NJ.
  22. We participated in the organizing efforts of CD 2 voters in calling out flip flopper Jeff Van Drew and demanding better representation.

Here’s to a great 2022! The work continues and we are excited to be in this work with you!



Kate Delany
SJ Advance

Political organizer. Environmentalist. Feminist. Writer. Mom. Engaged Citizen. Instagram & Threads @katemdelany @katedelany