IMLS-funded Blockchain National Forum Livestream August 6

SJSU iSchool
SJSU iSchool
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

The San Jose State University School of Information invites you to join us online for the Blockchain National Forum from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Monday, August 6, 2018. The event will be livestreamed and recorded.

Everyone can attend and learn from notable experts in the information professions, business, government, and urban planning. The panel presentations will focus on suggested blockchain applications that might be employed by libraries and archives.

Topics for discussion include urban planning/smart cities, enhanced metadata, standards, legal issues, community-based collections, civic data, partnerships, credentials, and provenance. Please visit the Blockchain Technology blog for the schedule and speaker list.

Livestream Link:

The goal of this forum, sponsored by the SJSU School of Information and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is to discuss and make recommendations about the future uses of blockchain technology within the information professions. The results of the forum will be the basis for a white paper submitted to IMLS and distributed to information communities.

This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (LG-98–17–0209–17). The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

