Editors notes — from hello world to Hello World.

Becoming a brand — anyone can make a logo, it is the stories that comes after that makes the brand.

2 min readMay 5, 2021



Since September we in the communications team at Skalar have been working hard on revitalising the Skalar brand, now we are at a benchmark — we are launching our new website. To us it is a benchmark, so we thought we ought to share some words as to why you should at least have a look, and why you even might care.

We wanted to tell the story of Skalar, the Skalar way. We know that good and user-friendly design makes a website. We redesigned the website with a focus on improving the visual interface, but also bringing greater presence to the work we do. We are proud of the many products we have created, projects we have worked on and people we have met — those stories deserved a place to be seen. And now you — the reader — will get to know how we think and work, both visually and conceptually — which we think is valuable.

Check out our current career opportunities at Skalar.no/jobs.

Our brand represents the people who work at Skalar, and what they value. We appreciate freedom of ideas and possibilities. We are here to create — and so we wanted to show our creative side, perhaps our playful side. To show what we all bring to work every day is important — and all that has been created. Skalar has created products, it has created start-ups — but most importantly interesting and fulfilling work for our own — which is why it is so fun to create.

We created a visual library of elements to ensure our design system would be flexible yet systematic with our future vision of Skalar as a brand.

Don’t hate — iterate.

This website has been created with that same school of thought. It is by no means perfect and will always be a work in the making. We don’t mind that; it is the way we work. Like the stories told over time they get polished and a plot hole gets filled. We are keenly working on becoming a name worth remembering and a company to create with. So have a look at our creation — and perhaps get to know us better while doing it — if not, there is always more literature to delve in — like our medium perhaps?

