dApps Using SKALE at ETHDenver

Christine Perry
5 min readFeb 22, 2019


Hello, Everyone!

Hope everyone had an incredible time hacking at ETHDenver this past weekend! The event was an incredible learning experience for our entire team and served as an excellent testbed for the launch of our first SKALE devnets! In this article, we’re going to be highlighting the winners of SKALE’s ETHDenver bounties, what we learned from the event, and some of the user feedback that we received from some of the first teams integrating SKALE!


Jack and Stan with Impact Curator and the Radical Cities team getting ready for judging!

Impact Curator

Impact Curator won SKALE’s biggest bounty of $2,500 with it’s usage of the Alice protocol to help donors track what impact their money makes when they give to charity. The project provides users with an intuitive UI, responsive data rendering with Vuex state manager, minimised gas costs and faster confirmation times thanks to SKALE, which also avoids clogging the mainnet with a high number of TCR-related voting transactions.

Thank you, Raphaël Mazet, Jakub Wojciechowski and Alex Suvorov for your dedication to increasing transparency in charitable donations!

See their code, here!


Fundem is one of winner of SKALE’s two $1,250 bounties for its implementation of SKALE in their decentralized platform for funding artists and creators. If you haven’t heard, the popular crowdfunding platform Patreon has recently been censoring some of its creators causing some of them to begin creating alternatives. We believe that this is a perfect use-case for decentralized technologies and could help to ensure that these creators and artists can continue to make a living doing the things that they love.

Thank you, Daniel Mowchan and Joshua Hannan for your dedication to censorship resistance for artists and creators!

See their code, here!

Radical Cities

Radical Cities is another winner of SKALE’s two $1,250 bounties for their implementation of SKALE in a casual strategy game based on the radical markets “COST” proposal. SKALE allows users to interact realtime to compete to buy & sell property in order to maximize returns in a transparent and fluid marketplace.

Note: For those not familiar with COST, check it out on Paul Berg’s website! As a whole, this school of thinking stems from the book, Radical Markets, by Glen Weyl — it has been spreading like wildfire in the Ethereum ecosystem and is a must-read for people in the space!

Thank you, Fabiano Soriani, Ian Pun, Patrick Leung, and Sam Hutch for your dedication to radical markets and new economic models!

See their code, here!


With every conference, the SKALE team continues to learn and improve — here is our shortlist of improvements for next time!

  • Hackathons are unpredictable — next time we’ll build in more onsite huddles to coordinate and adapt as the event progresses.
  • The best place to be in a hackathon is off-booth with hackers. At EthDenver we deployed several team members to work with hackers on architecture and smart contracts. This was great experience, and we’ll start doing even more of this at the upcoming hackathons.
  • With SKALE it takes just 2 lines of code to deploy smart contracts onto a high-performance sidechain. Next time we’ll broaden bounty acceptance criteria and hand out sidechain deployment tutorials — to let more developers go through our Twilio- and Stripe- like experience, and let them showcase to judges the code that executes on blockchain with virtually no delay.
  • SKALE is a decentralized team and not everyone could make it to the conference. That said, we need to make sure to share more photos and videos to SKALE slack so that people who are not present but are working hard to support remotely can feel more involved in the event :)

User Feedback

Artem helping a hacker set up SKALE payments

This past weekend, the team did an excellent job ensuring that hackers had what they needed to properly integrate SKALE into their dApps. Throughout this process, we gained a lot of learnings from our users that we’d like to share — these are things that we are going to be incorporating in the coming weeks / months!

  • Decentralization was an important decision factor for some teams to experiment with SKALE rather than other permissioned solutions. To address this, we will be adding product highlights like this to the website.
  • Teams were surprised how simple it was to deploy their existing code onto a SKALE chain, but it was unclear to them if their environments would be compatible with SKALE. To address this, we’ll be adding a section on recommended setups and tools to our developer documentation.
  • While we did showcase a rock, paper, scissors application at the event, developers wanted to see example projects and recommended design patterns before integrating SKALE. To address this, we will be adding more community product and technical example repositories!

Thank you, all ETHDenver hackers for your time and feedback on how we can improve — we are nothing without this amazing community!

See You Next Time!

Jack and Stan after 36 hours of hackathon-ing.

Until then, if you’d like to learn more about our efforts, make sure to join us on Discord and check out our Developer Documentation!

Also, feel free to also check out our Technical Overview and Consensus Overview for a deeper dive into how SKALE works and is able to provide 20,000 TPS.

SKALE’s mission is to make it quick and easy to set up a cost-effective, high-performance sidechain that runs full-state smart contracts. We aim to deliver a performant experience to developers that offers speed and functionality without giving up security or decentralization.

Follow us here on Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and sign up for updates via this form on the SKALE website.



Christine Perry
Writer for

Director of Global Solutions Engineering at Skale Labs