Cloud Computing in terms of Deployment & Service Model

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3 min readJul 18, 2022

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing service which includes servers, storage, database, network, software, analytics & intelligence.

Cloud offers us the faster innovation, flexible resources & economies of scale. We can provide access from everywhere.

As per the reports, the global cloud computing market is expected to grow from 2017 to 2025 it will be 270 billion to 712 billion.

All it companies around the world highly invested to cloud, one of the core reasons behind it is the financial benefit.

Day by day the growth of cloud computing market map grows. When we observe AWS, we are clear that 90% of the profit they earn from the cloud computing.

Types of cloud computing models

Here we can see there are two types and cloud computing models.

· Deployment model

· Service model

Deployment model

Deployment model represents the specific type of cloud environment which is based by the ownership, access, cloud’s nature and its purpose. Deployment model defined according to who has control over that infrastructure & where the infrastructure for the deployment resides. The deployment model can again sub categories into,

· Private cloud

· Public cloud

· Hybrid cloud

Private cloud

In private cloud it is privately ordered and managed with restricted access. And it is dedicated to a single organization, so it is have high security as the resources are not share. Purchased and maintenance has to be barred by the organization. Highly expensive then the public cloud.


Reduce complexity.

Provides high security.

Public cloud

Provided by an organization for the public use. It service provider on owned and managed. Accessed via the web pay for what you use. Lesser security as the platform is shared. Less flexibility and controlled over the cloud environment.



High efficiency.

High scalability.

Hybrid cloud

Composition of two or more clouds that remain unique entities. But bound together offering the benefits of multiple deployment models, internally and externally hosted. It consist of high complexity and extremely expensive.


High reliability.

Suite for carry out big data operations.

Service model

Service model is a short statement which describes how to deliver service to the customer in an intangible value. It’s a model for enabling the resources everywhere. . The service model can again sub categories into,

· SaaS

· PaaS

· IaaS


A product that is run and managed by the service provider. The customer does not want to worry about worry how to service is maintained its just work and remain available all the time.

EX: Google apps, Web filings, Yahoo mails, Hot mail.


It is designed for the developers focus on the deployment and management of your applications don’t worry about configuring or understanding the hardware or OS.

EX: Google app engine, Windows Azure, VMware cloud foundry.


It is specially designed for the admins the basic building block for cloud IT.

Provides access to network features computers and data storage space don’t worry about it staff data centers and hardware.

EX: High reliability. Suite for carry out big data operations.



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Passionate writer in the ever-evolving realms of cloud technology and business innovation.