Clueless #4

Published in
Apr 11, 2021

Indoor skate spots. Precious real estate for every cold and wet skateboarder, especially during the dark winter months. Pete DiAntoini was exactly where he needed to be, at some of the best indoor skate spots in the midwest and east coast circa 1987, prowling behind the lens and lurking in copy shops to document the radness for posterity.

Clueless #4 includes shots from Milwaukee’s ‘The Turf’, P.I.S.S. (private indoor skate spot) in Minneapolis, shots of Gomer and the Birdman, fish eye perspectives, a Ho-Ho plant by Steve Schneer, and a sweet sweet layback by an unidentified Milwaukean. (A Beaudoin brother, perhaps?)

Pete’s still behind the lens, and post good stuff old and new at

Download a full scan of this issue here.




Stella's dad, Amazon Digital Music Product Manager, Nebraskan