Dicks Book

Published in
Apr 25, 2021

The scanner has been quiet, but the archives are still deep my friends. Thanks for your patience.

Today’s time capsule takes us to a May 1989 issue of Dicks Book, a SWANK publications inc thing.

Symptoms of 1989 can include:
A Mike Valleley wall ride. Ollies with squirrels. Steve Claar boosting a massive ollie over channel at some ramp. Musings on the meaning of life. A hunky GSD throwing down a frontside grind, only to be outdone by Justin Lovely booze-grinding the 7-foot deep end. And Watt, mid-groove with fIREHOSE.

Don’t call your doctor. It will pass in 32 years or so. Maybe.

Download a full issue scan here.




Stella's dad, Amazon Digital Music Product Manager, Nebraskan