Joke Zine

Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2021

Here we have the doodles, scribbles and high-contrast skate snaps in the form of JOKE Zine, courtesy of one Thomas Campbell, circa 1987. It’s funny that Thomas refers to the zine also as JOKE HATE ZINE, because is one of the least hateful people I have ever met. really.

The issue includes a nod to punk heros X, notes on the NSA vert finals including Jason Jesse/Peanut Brown conflict, love for 10ft Boneless zine (which I never managed to get my mitts on, no thanks to the fact that the address wasn’t shared), some juicy gossip including a bit about Santa Cruz and Powell conspiring together to prevent pros from moving from company to company. Hmmmmm…

Every layout has some kind of collage effect, which should come as no surprise if you are familiar with Thomas’ art output over the last three decades or so. Yar!

Download the a PDF of this issue here.




Stella's dad, Amazon Digital Music Product Manager, Nebraskan