Naughty Nomads #12

Published in
Feb 3, 2021

John Dettman’s Naughty Nomads landed in my mailbox in the fall of 1987, chronicling the adventures of one wheelchair-bound lad named Leeder O. Men. In just a few short pages, it was clear that Leeder was more rad and had way more fun than you and your friends. I’m not aware of the origin story or Leeder O. Men, or if there is one, it probably doesn’t really matter though.

Not to overanalyze it, but I love how the short comic frames a state of a skateboarder’s (or wheelchair shredder’s) mind: whether it’s stoke-obsessed dreaming, big scary tricks, or just simply sinking a put. Also included: arts by Phred, photos Miki, and breaking news from Oro State Park, where a man was caught peeping waist deep in the muck of the women’s outhouse. Eww.

Download a PDF of this issue here.




Stella's dad, Amazon Digital Music Product Manager, Nebraskan