Stapled and Xeroxed Paper #2

Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

This item in the old zine archive is a bit of a mystery. A ‘whodunnit’ even. The zinemaker left this one unsigned. And I want to know : Who was it?!? There are clues here and there, but one has to wonder why no name was attached. Not even a pseudonym.

While mostly a bike-focused zine, it does have a fantastic layout featuring a beauty of backside smith grind, so it totally counts. Just about every layout here is dripping with perfectly degraded xeroxing, and the photography is actually pretty good.

But, the mystery of who authored this one is still out there. I found myself wondering if the author went on to do anything interesting after this, but it seems like we’ll never know. Maybe you see them every day at the coffee shop or perhaps they work at your local bike repair place. Or, maybe it’s someone we all know. I kinda like the idea of it being a random one (ok, two) and done deal, and today no one knows them from Adam.

And, while I try to avoid being too critical about these 35+ year old works by often teenaged authors, in the spirit of trying to narrow the field of possible suspects I can safely say that, based on this issue, this zine-maker was never going to win any awards for their writing. (Sorry!)

Anyway, I’m all out of ideas. We’ve set up a tip line to take your calls at 1–213-LEG-BUG1. Please be patient, there’s bound to be a spike in calls.

Download the full issue here.




Stella's dad, Amazon Digital Music Product Manager, Nebraskan