50 — Part 2

Skateboarding Stories
1 min readOct 10, 2014

I just want to skate.

How much of my life, and my thought, can be encapsulated in that statement?

Last week I had my first article published in an actual physical volume. Granted, it’s a skateboarding magazine that a friend and I conceived of months ago, so the article is self-published, but what the hell. I am now published. My essay for issue #2 is done, and I’m working on #3.

The great thing about doing this kind of work (and yes, I call it “work” — it is the REAL work) is that it allows me to just sit and think about skateboarding even more than I typically do.

Skateboarding is like that. It consumes and subsumes your life. Are you a photographer? Artist? Videographer? Writer? Designer? There’s a place in skateboarding for you, because skateboarding can eat that part of you too.

So the challenge for me now, at 50, is to see how much more of my life I can give to skateboarding. How much more can the Beautiful Curse claim? A lot, I hope.



Skateboarding Stories

Librarian, husband, skateboarder, aikidoist, blogger, writer, podcaster, and carbon-based life form. Rise Above. http://www.concretelunch.info