#ENVtuber Special Offer Starts!

Kazunari Kida
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2021

Thank you for using Skeb.
I’m Narugami (なるがみ), the manager of Skeb.
Skeb is my privately run service.
I know that English Vtubers are using Skeb.
I start the special offer for English Vtubers.

I offer no request fees(normally paid by creators) for non-anonymous requests #ENVtubers send between Jan 10 and Jan 16 (UTC.)
Fee-free requests are highlighted and it will greatly increase chances of them being approved.
※ Requests involving who had violated our terms in the past 60 days are excluded from this offer.
Please take this opportunity to request kawaii illustrations.

Skeb’s rules

Japanese Skeb is very different from western commissions.
Most important concept is the communication-less and that creators can draw easily and quickly.

  • All content must be included in the text of the request.
    You can not put any external text files in Google Docs or other services.
    If you have image references, please put the URL of your tweet in the text of your request.
  • Skeb is basically for personal use only.
    Skeb is not suitable for materials such as Live2D.
    If you have the purpose other than tweeting it or setting it as your profile picture, you must write it in the text of your request.
  • Please do not translate requests into Japanese on your own.
    Skeb has the world’s best translation function by DeepL.
    It will automatically translate your request and show both the translated text and the original text to its creator.
  • Please DO NOT communicate with creators about Skeb.
    You are not allowed to estimate, discuss, retake, limit the scope of publication, and specify the date of publication of your request.
    Sending DMs or emails to creators about Skeb is strictly forbidden.
    Violators will never be able to use Skeb again.
    No problem if it is not a communication about Skeb.

Example text (140 characters)

Requests by the manager of Skeb are here.

I would like to request a drawing of my Vtuber avatar.
She is a dog girl.
Thank you!

Enjoy Skeb with 45,000+ Japanese illustrators!

