Skeb Coin will be listing on OKX and AirDrop on OKX

Kazunari Kida
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022


Thank you for using Skeb.

Skeb Coin will be listing on OKX, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, at 8:00 on September 8 (UTC).

To celebrate the listing of Skeb Coin on OKX, we will AirDrop a total of 20 million Skeb Coins to those who links your Skeb account with your OKX account.

We are already starting AirDrop on Zaif, but there was a problem that only Japanese residents can create an account on Zaif, even though more than 30% of Skeb users are from outside Japan.

By starting AirDrop on OKX (global cryptocurrency exchange) along with AirDrop on Zaif (Japanese cryptocurrency exchange), Skeb users for any country can get AirDrop.

You can also get AirDrop on OKX even if you already set up to get AirDrop on Zaif.

How to get Skeb Coin on OKX

By 14 :59 on September 7 (UTC), set your OKX UID to “Link with OKX” on Skeb account settings.
It will not appear if there is no Skeb Coin you can get.

Your amount of Skeb Coin

  1. Target requests are that have been completed by 23:59 on June 9, 2022 and you or your counterparty have not got any warnings.
    Score is the sum of the total amount of requests you received * 0.3 and the total amount of requests you sent * 0.7.
  2. Total Score is the sum of Scores of those who have set up to get Skeb Coins on OKX by 14 :59 on September 7 (UTC).
  3. Rate is divided 20 million Skeb Coins by Total Score.
  4. Your amount of Skeb Coin is multiplied your Score by Rate.


  • Your Skeb Coin will be sent to your OKX account on September 8.
  • You can also get AirDrop on OKX even if you already set up to get AirDrop on Zaif.

