Skelpy — Version 1.2

Skelpy Coin
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2019

The Skelpy platform is very well known through a facility that is still rarely applied by other digital currency platforms, Certified Wallet. The certification is carried out in an effort to provide a guaranteed guarantee of security to users. With this facility, they can also ensure parties who can access transaction data that have been done through this platform. Skelpy is very concerned about the data security of each user. This certification helps users process their personal data and support the digital transaction process and maintain their data.

If a user is registered in this platform network, they automatically get a digital wallet that has been certified using SkelpySystem so that users can use various Skelpy services, especially for digital currency transactions. The benefits obtained through this certified wallet are that customers can recover their private keys. This can happen to a number of users with certain causes. For this reason, Skelpy helps restore the user’s private key so that they can re-access their account and return to the transaction. SkelpySystem in every way helps so that every user can easily access the platform without any obstacles. Users can arrange payment schedules according to their wishes. Simply specify at what time they want the transaction to take place and the SkelpySystem will automatically execute it at that time. This can help users who have rush hours, other activities, or other factors that may be able to inhibit the transaction process. By using the automation payment facility, users can make payment transactions even though they are not fully “present” when the process takes place.

Transactions of various currencies are also getting easier with SkelpySystem support. Users can make purchases and sales of Skelpy coins and convert them into fiat currencies. Not only that, users can also buy and sell Skelpy coins with other digital currencies. With the SkelpySystem, every user with their certified wallet can take advantage of many benefits through an “all in one” solution without the need to connect with third parties.

Skelpy has several delegates or partners working with them, especially in managing technology networks. This delegation was chosen through voting from the parties who have an important stake in this platform. Delegates are tasked with securing and maintaining so that the nodes remain active so that the transaction process can continue throughout the world. Nodes must be ensured that they are always active in order to run the process and validate transactions. Delegates will be given an award by Skelpy for their performance and business managing nodes. When users make transactions with other users who are on the same platform, the transaction data is directly sent to the node for processing. After the node validates the transaction data, then the other user accepts the transaction. Users will get the results of their digital currency transactions after the node validates the process.

When compared to the Bitcoin platform, Skelpy has several advantages and a number of fundamental differences. The types of transactions carried out on the Bitcoin platform are anonymous. This means that users cannot clearly identify the identity of other users involved in their transaction process. Skelpy too. But Skelpy ensures that users still feel comfortable and safe in dealing with the certification process, which in this case is not owned by Bitcoin. Skelpy supports the transaction process that takes place quickly, in just 8 seconds, while Bitcoin takes 30 minutes to complete a transaction. Users can recover their private keys in the event of a loss, but Bitcoin does not provide this service for users of its platform. This is an additional point for the Skelpy platform in providing services to its users. Bitcoin requires the intervention of third parties in carrying out the process of buying and selling transactions. In this case, Skelpy does not require a third party role because SkelpySystem can handle each transaction process internally. Bitcoin uses PoS (Proof of Stake) technology. This technology requires a greater cost for regular maintenance and is not impossible, users can be charged a small percentage of the cost which ultimately aims to support this treatment. Skelpy uses DPoS technology where it does not require greater costs in the maintenance process. Security guarantees can also be obtained by Skelpy users who protect them from fraud and illegal transactions. Seeing these benefits, Skelpy shows its superiority compared to the Bitcoin platform.

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