2016 Absolutely Sucked

Ryo Mac
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2017

Pretty much once a year, I take a break from my usual articles of epic quality and write something personal, reflective, or otherwise far less-than-eloquent. So I am not going to pussy-foot around this… 2016 sucked. I mean… it really sucked. There were plenty of celebrity deaths, a fascist man-child became the most powerful man in the world, and “Brexit” became a reality. But that was just some of the biggest global news. I personally had a lot of heartache and heart-break; so rather than doing a standard year-in review, I just want to keep this short, and give you a video that makes it all better.

The last few years have been an insane rollercoaster ride for me. I have pretty much been working or studying non-stop since the end of 2014, basically doing 60, 70, or 80-hour work weeks. I did this because I decided to change career paths. Unfortunately, despite putting in about 5 or 6 years’ worth of work in 3 years, and joining one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, I actually ended up changing my career path yet again. In fact, this is why Skeptikai has changed from a blog where around 3 posts were published per week (for the first few years), to one where only one article is published per month. It is a matter of time and priority. I am not certain what the future of Skeptikai will be, but is a question I have been asking myself for a while.

I made these difficult decisions for many reasons, but changing my career for the second time in a short period was especially difficult and painful. Furthermore, my personal life was also met with disappointments of varying degrees. I won’t get into it, but let’s just say, 2016 was a very tough and stressful year.

A video skit that came out quite a while ago, from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, was really helpful to me. There was something beautiful about finding unity in my anguish. I felt a great deal of catharsis — a sense of not being alone — and I sincerely appreciated this video. It made me want to shout “fuck 2016!” from the rooftops. I share this with you now in the hopes that it helps you as well.


2016 was perhaps the most emotionally painful year of my life. So go to hell, 2016. And bring on 2017, which I am already calling early… an inevitably awesome year.

