A good-looking drop shadow in Sketch

Drahomír Posteby-Mach
Design + Sketch
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2017


Creating a good-looking drop shadow in Sketch could be challenging. This short tutorial is going to show you how to make it.

Mastering drop shadows in Sketch

What I am intending to do is to make a nice shadow for a CTA button. What happens if we use a standard shadow option for an object in Sketch? We probably get something like in the picture below.

Standard drop shadow in Sketch

The result is not that bad but we would like to have something even more sweet. We need to use one nice hack to get a better result. The goal is to have only a gentle shadow below the object and a little bit on its sides as the button below is having.

How to get a gentle drop shadow

The trick is pretty simple. What we need to do is to create two buttons (two layers). The one on the top without a shadow and the one underneath with a shadow. The important thing is that the button with the shadow is smaller than the top one.

A gentle drop shadow in Sketch

I have added an orange shadow (opacity 0.5) to make the result even more appealing. That's my trick how to cope with drop shadows.

I hope that this tip could be helpful. Do not hesitate to recommend the article if you find it useful.

See you soon with more nice Sketch tips and tricks. Bye bye!



Drahomír Posteby-Mach
Design + Sketch

🇸🇪 I am a brand identity manager and I help businesses get higher value and more customers. Currently in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪