Advanced Text Mask In Sketch

Travis Folck
Design + Sketch
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2018


Filling text with an image is the fastest and easiest way to mask text, but it does not allow control for what part of the image is used in the mask.

This article will provide step-by-step instructions on two advanced methods that allow complete control over text masking, while still allowing the text to be editable.

Method 1: Combined Shape. Creates a single shape for the mask, but has to be ungrouped to change the image.

Method 2: Pseudo Mask. Most flexible, treats text like a shape and enables the mask option in the context menu.

These techniques do not rely on converting text to outlines or blending color, which allows them to be used on any background.

⬇︎ Download the Sketch file.

Method 1: Combined Shape

This method will allow us to precisely select which part of the image that will be used in the text mask. Text and an image can’t be combined directly, but a text and shape can. So, using the intercept option, we will combine an image-filled shape with text.


  • With the rectangle selected, click the fill color in the inspector.
  • Click the Pattern Fill icon and Choose Image to select an image.



Travis Folck
Design + Sketch

I love technology and design. I find great satisfaction when they come together to create a great experience.