Auto-Layout now supports Android and Web

We heard you loud and clear ❤️

Anima App's medium blog
Design + Sketch
3 min readJan 2, 2017


Anima allows designers to create high-fidelity prototypes right inside Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma and export HTML & CSS in a single click.

Last week we released our Auto-Layout for Sketch plugin and received incredible feedback from the community.

Some of the highlights:

Out of all the great feedback we’ve got, one request stuck out — more screen sizes. We quickly took note and we’re proud to announce a new feature called Presets.

Introducing Presets

Default Presets

Auto-Layout now comes with 3 default platform presets:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web

Custom Presets

Since there are many platforms and for each platform many screen sizes, we added an easy way for you to create your own presets.

Share your Presets

So you’ve made the effort to create a perfect collection of presets and now your colleagues are jealous. Lucky enough you can become the hero of the day by just exporting your collection and sharing it with them. 💪

Just click Export to save your presets into a file

And here is how to import a collection of presets from a file

  1. Click “Platform” -> “Custom
  2. The “Presets Editor” shows up, click “Import
  3. Navigate and select the collection json file
  4. Done!
Importing “Android Tablets” — Importing presets adds them to your existing ones.

Community Presets

Need even more screen sizes? head over to our community presets page and build your perfect collection:

Remember: sharing is caring. If you are a caring person feel free to submit your own collection:


Happy 2017 from your friends at Anima App 👋

For discussion feel free to join our Facebook Group

