Chart — the most powerful data visualization plugin for Sketch, Figma and Adobe XD

Makes a graph with real or random data and creates realistic designs in seconds.

Pavel Kuligin
Design + Sketch
3 min readNov 22, 2017


What’s wrong with creating charts?

Data visualization is an essential part of work for many interface designers. Dashboards, tables, reports, and widgets — all of these interface components contain charts. No matter which tool you use, Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD, you don’t have built-in features for data visualization.

Imagine that you want to create a prototype for an analysis tool or a system with dozens of widgets, tables, or reports using real data from Excel. I spent a few weeks doing the same manual, tedious task. And one day, our data scientist came to me and said that all data had changed! I had to make changes to the 56 screens in my prototype…

What alternatives did I have? I could use Tableau, D3.js or HTML Canvas, but these tools are complicated and not much flexible. I decided that I had to find a Sketch plugin which could solve my problem.

After searching for an hour I find three interesting plugins: Sketch Data Studio, Sketch Pies and Sparkliner. Each of these plugins had pros and cons, and they didn’t satisfy all my needs. So I decided to create my own Sketch plugin for my daily visualization tasks.

About Chart maker

The richest collection of chart types

For now, Chart can draw 16 different types of graphs: Pie chart, Donut chart, Line graph, Bar graphs, Area charts, and many others. I’m continually adding new types, so if you didn’t find one you want — just let me know, and I will add it to the collection.

Chart works with your data or creates random graphs

The plugin helps to visualize data on the fly from any source you have.

Tabular data: Google Sheets, Excel, Numbers, and CSV files are supported. You can copy/paste, upload, or link data. How to use tabular data

JSON data: connect live API via HTTPS link that responds with valid JSON or just upload files from your computer. How to use JSON

Random data: if you do not have a real data set, you can create any type of chart with random data provided by Chart. Create a simple graph

Read more about advanced option to work with real data in Chart:

Graph customization

Chart allows you to define the core of your Data Viz framework such as colors, grid, and labels. You can apply a custom color palette, change line thickness, and bar width, sync with product guidelines, and use local or global settings to apply a consistent style.

Read this short guide to understand how to create and maintain your data visualization system using Templates in Chart plugin:

Speed up your data visualizations today

Chart saves a ton of time for me in my working routine and helps many other professionals. Do you work with lots of different projects as a freelancer, or you are an in-house product designer, or maybe you are a marketer and need to create reports with charts? Chart works with Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD.

Try Chart for free

Download and install Chart and enjoy two free chart types for free. Pay just $20/year to unlock all charts and save yourself hours of boring work.

Have questions or need any help?

Visit Chart promo page or reach me out on Twitter. We’ll be happy to see you in our community in Slack, where we have inspiring designers from top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Netflix and share all our news and updates.

