Component-based illustration using Sketch, Part 3: Update & Maintain The Component Library

Rizki Mardita
Design + Sketch
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2018

#3 of 3 of the series Component-based illustration using Sketch:
Overview | Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3

This is the last part and it will be a long journey to maintain the component library. The component library should be updated regularly and our job as a creator is to open our eyes, pay attention to details and be patient. Here is how this can be achieved:

Step 1: Create The Project & Files

Create a project folder and create 3 empty Sketch files inside. In the screenshot below you can see the appropriate file names which also describe the function of each file.

Project & Files Name

1. Objects_library

Objects_library is an ordinary Sketch document that contains Symbols (all Symbols for the objects). If we update any of those Symbols in the file, documents containing instances of these Symbols will receive a notification telling them that they can be updated.

2. Illustrations_artwork

Illustrations_artwork is the file for illustrations based on our topics and story boards. We’ll import the Objects_library into this file and configure it as a library, so we can call/insert the components/objects whenever we want.

Step 2: Preparation

Open Objects_library and create the following 4 Pages inside:

1. Cover Page

This page includes a thumbnail cover for our Objects_library file. This cover will be visible when we add the library to our Illustrations_artwork Sketch file. Create a new Artboard (size of 1000 x 800 px) with the name Cover.

Example of a thumbnail cover view when adding libraries

2. Colors Page

Create and organize all the colors in this page like shown below. These colors will be used for all color variations of our objects. Make the colors into Symbols and each color Symbol must have the same size. Include a slash (/) in your Symbol’s name. Sketch will treat these as group separators. For example, two Symbols named Color/Deep Sky Blue and Color/Dark Pastel Green will be grouped together into a submenu called Color. We can also add new colors on this page if needed. Let’s see how these colors work in Step #3.

List of color symbols

3. Objects Page

This page serves as a the place where all objects are organized and prepared to be made into Symbols. It’s helpful to separate objects into categories so that all visuals are easy to relate, remember, and also search for.

Objects Page in Objects_library

4. Symbols Page

This page includes all objects that have been assembled into Symbols. Everything that you see below are abstracted components. Any of these can be called upon when we design illustrations.

Symbols Page in Objects_library

Step 3: Create The Objects

Create all objects in Objects_library > Objects Page. In making the object, please keep the file clean, neat and easy to manage. Avoid adding unnecessary objects and making the presentation messy.

There are some basic rules for creating objects which will help you build a healthy illustration set:

1. Naming Convention

The name of the object/symbol should describe a group. Every group of objects followed by the short description of the object that is easy to find, and also easy to remember.

Include a slash (/) in our object’s name, Sketch will treat these as group separators when the objects converted as symbols.

For example, two Symbols named Car/Classic and Car/Sport will be grouped together into a submenu called Car.

2. Use color overrides

Our object might have a dozen color variations . By using shape masks we can take our colors and turn them into override options.

The purpose is to make us easier to customize the color without changing the symbols. So, we don’t need to create & provide a dozen color variations for each symbol. We can add whatever colors we want. Here’s the colour override trick performed on an object:

Here’s the color override trick performed on an object:

  1. Create an object first. Try to create objects neatly so as not to make other objects look messy.
  2. Make a symbol for our object.
  3. Copy the color symbol we need on the “Color” page then nest color symbols into our object shape on the object symbol, and stretch the color symbol to the edges of the artboards.
  4. Arrange the object layer below the color layer, then turn the object shape into a mask (^⌘M)
Color override trick

Step 4: Import Library & Let’s Create The Artwork

Let’s be creative in the Illustrations_artwork file. We’ll import the Objects_library file into this file as a Library. This will allow us to call/insert the components/objects whenever we want.

To do this, open Sketch’s Preferences (Command-Comma), and navigate to the Libraries tab. Add the Objects_library file by click on the “Add Library…” button that appears on the bottom right of the preference window, and choose our document from our files (Our object document). We will now be able to insert our illustration in any other document!

The list of library in Sketch

How does it work

In this case, let’s take the topic and story from the design spec.

  • Topic : “Something went wrong”
  • Story: A man and his girlfriend are repairing his car
  • Components: Man, Woman, Car, City as a background.
  • Plugin: Sketch Runner (Cmd + ’)
Create an illustration artwork based on the topic & stories, change the colors without having to change the colors on the master symbols.

When we have completed all the steps above. Let’s do homework 💪. Update and maintain all components regularly. Keep our component libraries easy to manage and make our life better. Have fun 🕺

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