Redesigning a VST Plugin

Arash Asghari
Design + Sketch
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2022

Like all great stories, this story begins with a quest.

For as long as I remember, I have been interested in music, listening, making & producing.

As a visual designer, I crave challenges to make myself miserable at first, then come up victorious.

What are VSTs?

Virtual Studio Technology is an audio plug-in software interface that integrates software synthesizers and effects units into digital audio workstations. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. — Wikipedia

ES-P Polyphonic synthesizer is a VST plugin you can find freely on Apple’s Logic Pro X and producers use it to design and modify all kinds of sounds.

ES — P Synth VST history:

The eight-voice ES P (ES Poly) emulates classic polyphonic synthesizers of the 1980s.

It is a versatile instrument capable of producing various good musical sounds. Creating classic analog synthesizer brass sounds is just one of its many strengths.

Redesign Brief

As I mentioned, The origin of the VST synths comes from the physical synthesizers, and there is a cult-like feeling around them. The sounds, feeling of touching and tweaking physical knobs to reach the most pleasing sound possible.

Old ES — P VST Plugin

The old look of the VST was not aged well. Not even for an authentic old design.

The main goal was to create something fresh and authentic, considering old-style knobs, lights, shadows, and the feeling of touch. Including some skeuomorphic style and don’t consider the limitations of developing it.

The mighty first knob AKA App Icon

It all started with a single knob. Designing the first knob with that goal in mind was difficult, but lighting, Shadows, colors, and glows all originated from this one piece of design.

Based on this little mood board, I designed more elements and formed a tiny kit to keep me going.

One of the coolest things about the new flat design is that you can use skeuomorphism anytime you want, any place you wish to; you have to pick your little moments to shine. Like this little lamp button here:

The main idea was to include realism & skeuomorphic design not just on the surface level but deep inside the plugin. So as you can see, when you press the “2/3” button, it will light up, and you can see the patterns of the plastic cover of the button getting visible and reflecting blue light on the knobs near.

Discovering and using all styles of design makes you prepared to fulfill all kinds of goals, styles are just tools in your toolbox, and you can use them however you please.

Adding new functionalities

Motion History

I believe a melody can come to you in the most unexpected moments, for example, when you are just jamming with a piano or a MIDI Controller.

Remembering what you just pressed or played can help you focus on the melody in your mind or what knob you just changed and how much.

I believe this little tweak can improve your daily workflow.


Tweaking knobs is alright, but sometimes you need that little something that you can not know and enter just by numbers. You need to touch and tune it to perfection.

The equalizer is the visual representation of all the knobs, tweaks, and numbers. You’re trying to knobs and numbers when you tweak. That’s how important EQ can be.


Being touch-friendly is a must these days. Applications are universal. You can publish your app on macOS, iPad, iOS, and … with just some tweaks and edits.

The goal was to make elements as reachable and visible as possible.


Capture the look & feel of the design.

In conclusion

This conceptual project was a fun re-imagining of one of the tools I used. I tend to act on these little sparks in my mind because I strongly think these sparks are who you are. You really can express yourself sometimes.

If you recognize these sparks in your mind over something daily and straightforward, please act on it, and do something to train your mind not to be a robot.

You can feel, you can touch, smell or recognize patterns. Use all of them in what you create.

I guess I’m trying to say that sometimes, design is an emotional thing to keep you human.

Thank you kindly for reading my messy article.

The entire case study is available on Behance & Dribbble. You can support me there.

Also, I love to chat about these types of projects. Do you want to make them real? or even create something similar? contact me on Instagram

Feel free to contact our Studio, TheDexignStudio for more information.

Peace ✌️

