Create an App like Snapchat

Bruno Recht
Design + Sketch
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2017
Sketch + Snap

Do you want to earn a living by following your passion and creating the digital future? Do you have an idea that could have a huge impact on our society?

-Go for it!

You propably heard of the huge Snap IPO last week. The company’s valuation is $34.7 Billion now. What a number!

Snapchat launched in 2011 and within six years the founders became billionaires. But that’s not what this text is about.

Where do you see yourself in six years? Do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur and starting an app business?

I bet there’s at least one of these questions in your mind:

How do I get started? Which Skills will I need? How can I earn money being an App Entrepreneur?

Before we’re going to answer these questions, let me introduce myself.

Who am I?

I’m Bruno I’ve designed several apps and founded the platform . I created an online course which teaches designers (and not-yet-designers) how to use Sketch and succeed with an App-Startup. In the end of this article there will be a little surprise for you. So stay tuned ;)

What is Sketch?

Sketch has become the best tool for designing mobile Apps. It is used by the most innovative and disrupting Silicon Valley companies like Facebook, Apple, Google, IBM, Paypal and many more.

How do I get started?

Getting started might be the most challenging and frightening thing. You might feel insecure and confused. I’ll guide you. I created the App Design with Sketch Course especially for you. Those who are willing to invest their time in the things they’re passionate about.

One chapter of the course is all about Snapchat. I’ll show you step by step how to recreate the most hyped social media platform.

You can watch a preview lesson here:

Recreate Snapchat Part 7/16

When you’re finished with all sections the result will look like the image below.

Screens you’ll create

The technique of copying existing designs worked very well for me, when I started to design Apps. It’s not about copying other great designers and paste it into your own App. It’s about getting a feeling for proportions, colours and common design patterns.

Furthermore by evaluating the pros and cons of the user flow and the overall appearance of your favourite Apps, you’ll get a great feeling for the User Interface and the User Experience very soon.

Which Skills will I need?

There are basically three skills you have to master to succeed with an App Business:

  • Design
  • Development
  • Marketing

What sounds very simple can get very complex and frustrating, if you’re not prepared. I think it’s very unlikely that you’re a professional in all three fields. Neither am I!

So what should you do? Get an outstanding team which complements your skill set. I think 2–3 people will be the right number to start. You can go a long way with a designer and a developer, so it’s best practise to start with these people.

I think everybody can learn marketing when you ask yourself these two questions: How can I add value to my clients/users? and How can I appeal to my target group? Nevertheless if you’re struggling to do the marketing by yourself you can still hire a specialist or an agency.

How can I earn money being an App Entrepreneur?

There are many ways to earn money in the App Business. I dedicated a whole chapter to this topic and there will be an article here soon. Make sure you follow me to receive a notification when it’s published.

I guess all of you are here for the little surprise I promised to you.

So here it is: You can get the whole ‘App Design with Sketch Course’ for just 10$ which means you save 80%. The Coupon Code is MEDIUM. The Coupons are limited. You can find the course here. Enjoy & See you in the course.



Bruno Recht
Design + Sketch

I’m a UX Designer and Researcher and sharing my thoughts about Product Design, Prototyping, Design Sprints, and related topics 🦄