Supercharge Sketch with our favourite plugins — 2018

An ever growing list of amazing Sketch plugins that will greatly boost your productivity

Design + Sketch
3 min readFeb 23, 2018



Craft overview by Invision

Craft does so many things that it’s almost unfair to refer to it as just one plugin. Insert beautiful stock photos into your designs, add meaningful dummy text (goodbye Lorem Ipsum), easily duplicate design blocks, collaborate with Freehand, export prototypes to Invision, and we could go on. This beast of a plugin will blow your mind. We can guarantee it*
*Conditions Apply


Runner tutorial by Robin Rendle

Runner is an amazing plugin that just makes every task quicker. If you’re looking to speed up your workflow then look no further. This plugin looks and works a bit like Spotlight on a Mac, but is way smarter. Search and run other plugins or menu actions, instantly jump to different parts of your design, insert symbols, create and apply styles, and even search for and install new plugins.

Rename It

Rename It demo by Rodrigo Soares

We’ve all been in that position where we’ve ended up with a Sketch file that has hundreds of layers, with default names and it’s all one big mess. Don’t worry, Rename It will sort this out for you in a few seconds. This brilliant, little plugin helps you organise and batch rename layers quickly and has many tricks up its sleeve. Use built-in keywords to create ascending or descending number sequences, convert layer or artboard names to upper or lowercase, include layer width and height in the name and so much more.

Autolayout (Part of Launchpad)

Auto Layout tutorial by Sketch Together

Use this beautifully designed and easy to use plugin to make your sketch design responsive. With features like stacks and pinning you can make shapes, images and text react exactly the way you want them to when resizing artboards for different devices. Combine this with Sketch’s in-built resizing features to make it even more powerful. Once you get this plugin you will no longer need to manually create layouts of mobile, tablet and web separately.


We had to look around for quite a while to find this one and we’re really confused as to why it isn’t more popular. This plugin is like the Swiss Army Knife of plugins. Honestly it does so many things it’s hard to decide which ones to mention here, so we’ll just name a few of our favourites. Tile objects/layers/artboards by X or Y position, remove redundant groups, remove hidden layers, convert artboard to group, and copy and paste grids. As you can see, the tasks that this plugin is capable of are vast and varied, so we encourage you to take the time and explore it thoroughly, you won’t regret it.

Select Children

Select Children demo by Joshua Fang

This one is a huge time saver. Have you ever wanted to select all layers within a group? Well, this little gem allows you to do just that, with a nifty keyboard shortcut. While there are a few plugins that do this, this is the only one that we’ve found that allows you to select layers within sub-groups, sub-sub-groups and so on. We absolutely love this plugin and would be quite frustrated and annoyed without it.

Copy & Paste Shadows

We aren’t really sure why such a basic feature doesn’t come bundled by Sketch, but as the name suggests, this simple plugin allows you to copy a shadow from one shape and paste it to another, saving you a lot of time.

