Techniques for organising multiple shared sketch files

How I organise a high number of client design files which all share one central UI Library

Paul Wallas
Design + Sketch


An image depicting a Sketch file system
Organising Sketch files

Over recent years, Sketch’s popularity and capability has grown, especially as almost each major release has brought with it the enhanced ability to power multiple interfaces by a central library of symbols. As these features have advanced, the laborious task of organising files, whether these files are local or now making use of Sketch Cloud, has become burdensome.

Introducing our product

Our product is a large, multi-tenant, white-label system used within the insurance domain. The product I work with is designed using Sketch and is driven by a central UI Library, within which, all interface elements and controls are displayed and defined with visual examples. Our central UI Library is built using the Atomic Design System approach and therefore includes Atom elements, Molecules, Organisms and Pages.

This central UI Library is the engine that powers every one of our clients tailored version of our product.

Each client journey uses the same Atom elements and the same Pages. Some page configurations may differ per client, some may have a large subset of pages while others a smaller number…



Paul Wallas
Design + Sketch

UI & UX Designer. Passionate about design, health & fitness and wellbeing.