Tutorial: Design imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

In this tutorial, we will recreate the Apple WWDC logo

Sketch App Sources
Design + Sketch
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet and playwright from the 1890s is famous for saying …

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

It won’t be surprising if this is the first time you’re reading the complete quote, including the second half, “mediocrity can pay to greatness” because it’s often omitted.

This quote sums up something very important. It juxtaposes two sides or two models of existence while provoking us. Mediocrity versus greatness. Whether you’re judging others or feeling judged, how could you achieve greatness? You might already have the answer. Life is full of repetition — from each breath you take to your heartbeat to learning how to count and read. Imitation with the objective of learning makes us better just like practicing something could make us more proficient.

Along the same lines, when we imitate or reverse engineer a design we’re learning new skills and experimenting. We’re thinking about how to recreate and ultimately — how to create. These practices most often become the foundation of our own greatness.

How can we recreate the iconic Apple WWDC logo?

Let’s get started. But first, make sure you have Sketch opened and are ready to design with us. 🤩 if you have not tried Sketch yet, we think you’ll enjoy checking out their free trial and getting started guide.

Intrigued and inspired by the WWDC 2022 logo, in this tutorial we’ll recreate the visual effects in our favorite design tool — Sketch.

  1. Create an Artboard

Create a 1280x720 Artboard. Then, create a rectangle of the same size and apply a linear gradient using the colors above.

2. Create an oval shape

Create a 520x520 oval shape. Set a radial gradient using the colors and direction above.

3. Add a border gradient

This step is key to achieving a great result. Add a border with a width of 3 and set an angular gradient using the colors above.

3. Add the logo

Download the SVG Swift logo from the web and place it under the oval shape. Scale it to have a size of 295x266px.

4. Add a radial gradient

Set a radial gradient and follow the colors and direction represented above.

5. Add inner shadows

Add two inner shadows with the colors and values shown in the image above.

6. Create a new oval shape

Create a new oval shape with 312x312px and place it behind the main objects. Then, change the fill and give it a gaussian blur.

7. Add a lens flare

Add a lens flare and place it under the oval shape and the Swift icon. Then, change the blending mode to “Screen”.

8. Final touches!

Place it on the artboard previously created and add some text!

Voilà! You have successfully recreated the iconic Apple WWDC 2022 logo!

We’d love to see your recreation. Feel free to post your designs on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and tag us with #MadeWithSketch. You can also leave a comment on this blog post and let us know what you think of this tutorial and what other iconic designs you have recreated as a learning tool in your design journey.

This awesome tutorial was originally posted by Tiago from Sketch and done in collaboration with the Sketch App Sources team. Check out this tutorial and more great #MadeWithSketch tutorials, tips, and tricks on Tiago’s Twitter.

If you enjoyed this tutorial give Tiago a 👏 and let us know if you want to see more tutorials in the comments. Cheers!

P.S. if you have not tried Sketch yet, we think you’ll enjoy checking out their free trial and getting started guide.

