Sometimes more is more…

Juan Maguid
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2021


One of the most rewarding aspects of running a small, independent software company together with a great friend is that you have so much trust in each other, that more than often things move forward without discussion. We read between the lines.

Take our latest update for Stratos Tokens 2021. We had a plan of course. Then that plan changed, got supercharged and out came this monster of an update without us even realizing it. We sat there in amazement. What have we done?

That is what great product development should always be about, an endless delight in doing better, never stop and always push for excellence.

Look out Superman, we punch even harder

Style once, use everywhere… I can buy into that 😺💪

Our latest update of Stratos Tokens 2021 has been focused 100% on our export. We added steroids to both our NPM and Style Dictionary bundles and out came these remarkable time-saving features:

Improved NPM export

In addition to containing Stratos Token’s design tokens, the NPM export now also includes files generated by Style Dictionary. It reads Style Dictionary’s config file looking for platforms scss, less, css and js.

Improved Style Dictionary export

We have enhanced our Style Dictionary export to output the following formats: android, iOS, iOS-Swift, css, js, json, less, react-native, scss, sketch-palette.

Free update 🎉

As always, the update is free for all of you that has purchased a license. Just go to your marketplace account and download the new version.

As always, our apps are a one-time fee, all future updates included.

Worth mentioning is that you’ll need to be doing the following to use the new enhanced Style Dictionary export features:

  1. Create a new Stratos Tokens project
  2. Make sure you follow the Style Dictionary CTI structure
  3. Ay caramba! 💥

If you already have been using Style Dictionary it’s as easy as just using that same design file and creating a new Stratos Tokens project, and you’ll be good to go. 🚀

Let’s celebrate this great release with a short trailer summing it up nicely. Until next time, have a great one.



Juan Maguid

Creative Technologist. Co-founder of Team Sketch2React.