Sketchin expands its management team to prepare for the next phase of growth.

We changed our organizational structure introducing four new General Managers and adjusting the goals of another GM to spread the design vision at the international level and consolidate the presence among the partners and the specificities of the global market. Marco Tamburlini, Andrea Navone, Elena Zordan, Silvio Cioni, Federico Rivera will help our fellow clients explore the future, transform their business sustainably and face the near-future challenges.

Moving forward
6 min readAug 3, 2021


From top to bottom, clockwise: Marco Tamburlini, Andrea Navone, Elena Zordan, Silvio Cioni, Federico Rivera.

Impermanence is one of our core values: the Studio is constantly changing. Its structure changes accordingly, mirroring the desire to maintain the evolution process inscribed into Sketchin’s DNA since its origin in 2006. The next five years will be full of ambitious challenges both for us and Bip Group

To be in a better position to face the near future, Sketchin has transformed its command center by introducing four new General Managers and changing the duties of one already active in that role. They will join CEO Luca Mascaro and GM Global Alessandro Galetto in managing a multi-dimensional expansion: international, local markets — Swiss, Milan, and Rome — and partnerships with major technology players.

A more international Sketchin

The natural evolution of today’s Sketchin, which is already present in Europe, the United States, and Latin America, develops under Marco Tamburlini. He changed his role from General Manager Italy to General Manager International. His mission is to structure and conquer spaces in a broader scenario, made up of global companies searching for excellence. All while maintaining the same care and guaranteeing the same quality delivered locally.

A focus on partners

Sketchin has met with numerous companies throughout its history, often resulting in fruitful collaborations and successful projects. Andrea Navone, formerly Chief Strategist Officer, will have the task of forging and enhancing partnerships with major technology players as General Manager Partnership. He will team up with those aligned with our mission, bringing the best of existing technology opportunities to our clients.

Focus on local markets: Milan, Rome, and Switzerland

Sketchin’s presence in the Italian market was a direct consequence of the territorial proximity to the Swiss cradle of the Studio. It soon became apparent that Milan and Rome were two highly distinctive, fast-growing markets that deserved special care.

For this reason, the new General Manager Silvio Cioni is responsible for the Milan and northern Italian market. At the same time, Federico Rivera, who will be General Manager for Rome, was appointed for the central and southern Italian market. Both will have the mission to consolidate and expand the firm’s business and bring innovative new skills to the two most relevant Italian markets.

Elena Zordan, the new General Manager Switzerland, will expand Sketchin within the Swiss borders, starting from the Canton of Ticino. Switzerland is also an articulated context, with a growing market eager to learn more about design, but one that requires closer relations, particular attention to the different cultures and legislation, which must harmonize with all the countries where the Studio is present.

“We have extended to the Studio the same intuition that we have applied to our teams the people we have chosen have different backgrounds and have grown up in different contexts: that of design and that of Strategy. For each project, a Design Director and a Strategy Director, respectively the right hemisphere (creative) and the left hemisphere (rational), of a brain with the team composing the intelligence at the client’s service. Likewise, thanks to their different attitudes and complementary skills, the new GEMs will know how to deal with the facets of the markets.”
Alessandro Galetto, General Manager Global

“In the last three years, Sketchin has doubled its turnover and established itself as one of the most important European design studios. Our next big step is to support global players in their digitization challenges, improving their customers’ experience, creating products and services that offer value to their target audience and shareholders, and long-term social and environmental sustainability. Coming off a very complex pandemic year, we are ready to invest in five talents who will be able to develop individual markets and help us meet this new challenge over the next three years.”
Luca Mascaro, CEO & Head of Design

The new leadership will focus not only on growing the firm but also on taking care of clients, putting design quality at the center by offering them cutting-edge solutions.

Below are the five General Managers with their markets and areas of responsibility:

Marco Tamburlini
General Manager International

Member of the Leadership Team and former General Manager Italy, Marco entered the world of Web 2.0 when it was necessary to start from scratch: he contributed to the construction of the first system of online services Vodafone, and to the creation of the largest European online community, that of Gazzetta Dello Sport, in the middle of the revolution of the publishing world. At Sketchin, he was able to grow the firm throughout Italy and abroad. From now on, he will develop Sketchin’s Global presence; he’ll help international clients understand the game-changer role of the convergence of business, design, technology, data, and new types of interaction between humans and artificial intelligence.

Andrea Navone
General Manager Partnership

Andrea has been working for over 15 years to design and develop digital services and products to impact people’s experiences positively. During a path articulated between IT companies, digital agencies, and design studios, he has contributed to the definition of innovative digital strategies for large PA bodies and global brands in the automotive, media, technology, energy, and travel sectors. Andrea Navone is always passionate about the transformation and evolution of organizations. He pays particular attention to culture, communication, and methodology as a basis for the growth of our clients. Maintaining the position of Chief Strategy Officer, he will continue to manage the business development portfolio and coordinate the group of Strategy Directors, taking care of the management of relationships with Key Clients and leading the Business Strategy.

Elena Zordan
General Manager Switzerland

Elena works in Design Direction and Strategic Design with over ten years of experience designing and defining strategies for products, services, and digital ecosystems. She has developed a passion for design approaches and methodologies to build innovation processes, support business strategies, and transform organizations.
As Executive Design Director at Sketchin, he led digital transformation, customer experience, service, and brand design projects for Allianz, Benetton Group, Cornèr Banca, Repubblica e Canton Ticino, Enel, Endesa, Fendi, Rcs Media Group, Ticino Turismo, Mondadori, Mediaset, Vodafone.
He teaches Communication, Service, and Business Design. He teaches at the Design Faculty of Politecnico di Milano, Liuc-Università Carlo Cattaneo, and TAG Innovation School.

Silvio Cioni
General Manager Milan

Silvio is an Interaction & Service Design Director with over 20 years of experience in interactive media and physical/digital design.
As Executive Design Director in Sketchin, he worked on digital transformation projects, customer experience, innovation by design, service design, and futures for Enel, Sky Wifi, Sogei, and Fastweb, to name a few relevant clients. He is a researcher and lecturer in Interaction Design, Service Design, and Design Futures (Speculative Design, Design Fiction, Participatory Futures). He teaches at Naba, Domus Academy Milano, IAAD, and TAG Innovation School.

Federico Rivera
General Manager Rome

Previously Executive Design Director at Sketchin, Federico followed a path characterized by experiences in international design agencies and consulting companies. Mentor of startups and consultant for product and service innovation, he has defined brand and service strategies globally for companies such as Ford, Shell, 3M, Jaguar, Land Rover, NTT. He played a key role in the innovation process of some major Italian companies such as Enel, UniCredit, Poste Italiane, and TIM. Today he teaches at TAG innovation School and IED.



Moving forward

We are Sketchin: a strategic design firm that shapes the future experiences.