SPARC is now our partner

Moving forward
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2014

Sketchin is an experience design firm: our work focuses on research, strategy and design. We have chosen not to offer software development services because we are focused on the quality of the design we produce, but we really care for the engineering of the products and services we design.

As we deeply care for the overall experience of the design work we do for our clients, we realized for quite some time that we need to have a cohesive and complete influence on the final product to ensure that the intended design results in a stellar experience.

Our team will be able to supervise the back-end and the front-end development of our design projects to ensure the quality of the delivery to offer our clients a “one-stop solution”. This evolutionary approach increases the value of the final product as it better aligns design intentions with what is delivered in a more cohesive fashion.

This new mantra of ours, “concept to code”, allows Sketchin to be involved in your project for the full life cycle. We believe in this approach as part of our never-ending quest to ensure that the ultimate experience is delivered to the end user.

Through a recently signed Strategic Alliance Agreement with SPARC, our partner that offers first-rate software development, we are able to offer a cohesive design and delivery approach that further benefits our clients & results in a remarkable experience.

SPARC is one of the US’ fastest growing privately held companies and a breakaway leader in the field of expert custom software development. SPARC is a software product development company creating engaging, forward-thinking technology. In 2013, SPARC was ranked by Inc.500 as the 14th fast-growing private company in the US.

Luca Mascaro says: “This is an amazing opportunity for us to ally with SPARC. As a combined team as well as a studio, we can share experiences in different contexts, discover new points of view. Moreover, we trust that integrating the expertise of both teams will propel the delivery of truly unmatched products for their clients and ultimately consumers. We have now access to a combined footprint of talent, resources and clients in the United States and Europe. We are truly thrilled to join forces with SPARC in building the future of engaging & meaningful business solutions and experiences.”

“SPARC is excited to partner with Sketchin as they bring their world-class design methodology, style, and experience to the United States,” adds Eric Bowman, CEO of SPARC. “With their office in nearby Atlanta, GA, our award-winning development and design teams will be able to seamlessly collaborate and integrate with Sketchin’s projects, and provide customers the value, support, and results to take their business to the next level.”

Jon Ramaci, Executive Director for Sketchin in the US, believes that, together, SPARC and Sketchin can: “develop magical products, advancing the shared goal of bringing next generation systems and experiences to clients worldwide”.

The truth is: we care about the quality of the experience lived by people through the products, services, and systems we design, and we are looking for the best partner to achieve so.



Moving forward

We are Sketchin: a strategic design firm that shapes the future experiences.