A Sketching Manifesto

Rizwan Javaid
Sketching Machine
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2017
  1. Sketching is for everyone.
    If you have ideas? Then sketching is for you.
  2. Anyone can sketch.
    Yes, that includes you too.
  3. Sketch every single day.
    Consistency is the key to improvement.
  4. Sketching is a personal and a group activity.
    Know when you need to go alone and when to sketch with others.
  5. All you need is a pen and paper to sketch.
    It’s not about the tools.
  6. Carry a sketchbook wherever you go.
    You never know when an idea will come to you.
  7. Experiment with your sketches.
    Try using colors, highlighters, sharpies, brush pens, graphic tablets. Find what works for you.(See # 16)
  8. Embrace the roughness of sketching.
    The imperfections are what make sketching special.
  9. Sketchy is not the same as sketching.
    Don’t use digital tools to mimic sketches. Stop it!
  10. Never underestimate the power of a sketch.
    Never. ever, ever, ever, ever underestimate It. Got it?
  11. Skip sketching at your own peril.
    You may feel good about saving a few hours but I’m telling you, your ideas will suffer.
  12. It’s not about the sketch.
    You won’t get awards for a beautiful sketch. (See #8)
  13. Harness the power of sketching.
    Use sketching to ideate, iterate, and communicate.
  14. Never compromise on sketching.
    Stand your ground. The sketching gods will thank you for it.
  15. Sketching is understanding.
    If you can sketch your idea, you understand your idea.
  16. Have fun sketching.
    You get to draw. How cool is that?

This sketching manifesto is a reminder for all of us to keep in mind as we get busy working on our amazing ideas. It is a starting point and will grow as learn about the importance of sketching.

Till next time. Keep on sketching! 🤘

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Rizwan Javaid
Sketching Machine

Helping creatives build a mindset of resilience, care, and confidence. I publish the Low Fidelity newsletter and podcast to help you achieve your true potential