In A Deep Funk

Rizwan Javaid
Sketching Machine
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2018
Life throwing a hard punch.

The following letter is from the latest issue of the Sketching Machine Newsletter. I put it on hold because life happened. I am recovering from the punch to the face and have started writing again. In the newsletter I share my thoughts, writing, and interesting links from the world of UX.

Want to give it a try? Subscribe here.

Dear Friends,
Remember me? I know, it’s been a long time since we have talked. I want to share with you today why I have been absent for too long.

Life came at me hard. I thought I was going to get right back up, but this time the blow was intense. It got me off my rhythm. Before this happened, I was in a rhythm of writing articles, sending out my weekly newsletter, presenting at conferences, and having a blast doing it all.

Then it happened.

Life threw a wicked uppercut which knocked me down. I landed on the floor with a thud. I never saw it coming. Slowly I descended into a dark space in my head. There I was, in a deep funk.

I’ve taken some jabs and uppercuts from life that have hurt, but this was a hard punch that did some damage. This time the funk took me down deeper into a feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and depression. It made me question myself and my abilities. It was hard not to let the feelings of despair get me down.

I spiraled down further into depression.

I have written before about getting out of a funk, so I had some techniques that I could try to get back to normal. My family was my source of energy that kept me moving and gave me the energy to fight through the negativity each and every day. I also knew that I had to take care of myself both mentally and physically. For me running is not just an exercise but for me, it is a way to meditate as well. It helps me to center my self and to work through issues before the day starts. I also started drawing as a way to cope with the feelings of despair. The joy of doing something I loved every single day helped me focus on positivity.

My loving family, running, and drawing helped me find my way back to normalcy.

We all go through up and downs that life throws at us. It is crucial to find the anchors in your life that will help you stay grounded. How do you plan to get out of a deep funk?

Thinking of a Master Plan.

Being prepared with a plan is the key to making sure you don’t spend too much time in the negative space. Having a plan is critical because once you are in a deep funk your mind might not have the clarity to reason your way out of it. Please take a moment to think about what anchors you. Who or what will you depend on to get you through the rough patches?

I look forward to continuing our journey together as I restart my writing and the Sketching Machine newsletter.

I'm Here For You

Have you been through a rough patch lately? Are you still in the funk or are you clawing your way back? Wherever you are in your battle I would love to hear your story and help you out however I can. Reply to this email and let me know.

Stay strong! 💪




Rizwan Javaid
Sketching Machine

Helping creatives build a mindset of resilience, care, and confidence. I publish the Low Fidelity newsletter and podcast to help you achieve your true potential