How do you answer “what makes me different?”

Jerry Bai
Sketching things
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2016
Mavel Super Heros

Everybody always be introducing to others by TAGs.

He’s a Teacher\She’s a Housewife\He’s a Designer\Engineer\…

But, how do you answer?

what makes me different?

eg. What does the UI Designers do?

apps design\web design\branding…

These TAGs is clearly just like someone introducing another guy to us.

We’ve known each other by TAGs describes.

This guy is looks like the person we once knew, they’re doing the same things, and doing things like the others do. So he is not much special.

We’ve already categorizing them roughly by TAGs.

Because the TAGs made them be part of some group which means less pressure that makes them comfortable and safe.

We don’t actually know who they are? how they doing things?

AS if like Destiny

More thinking is required!

We are redesigning the official website of our UI-LAB theses days.

and we hope that people understanding what we do\we are focused on exactly.

Here is an example of most site doing:

Every TAG is clear and concise, but just like that, nothing more.

Another example:

What are we doing when we designing the site.

The truth is, we are communicating with people who want to find a special group to corporate?

So only the TAGs is not enough.

We all have a great need for acceptance. The descriptions about the TAG is what we really need to explain.

Every TAG could be describes in different angles and we think this is the answer to “what mekes me different?”

