Only you know what you want

Jerry Bai
Sketching things
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2015

The easiest, most straightforward way to create a great product or service is to make something you want to use. That lets you design what you know — and you’ll figure out immediately whether or not what you’re making is any good.

— — <Rework> by 37signals


This is the reason I want to talk about smart TV.

picture via secondstory
picture via sencondstory

The TV is more personal which is familiar with the phone and tablet rather than the Interactive Kiosk, it exists as a guide, consult and publicity.


I have a folder especially for films\TV series\games like many people’s do.There were stored in dozens of various types of film\south park\ice and fire\the MLB game and the favourite videos from Youtube and Vimeo, and so on.


I’m imagine download all of the Television resources to my folder, almost all of the films\TV series\games and etc, already classified so I can find them and play with spotlight easily. So this folder would be the Smart TV without any appearance but folders and files, I have to use the mouse or the touchpad to interact with it as usual.

And now, I have to sitting on a 6.5ft. away and think about the screen is 65.6in. picture via apple tv

As I mentioned, I’m watching through spotlight search sometimes, but most of time I have to browsing and checking the introduction and reviews to help me select.

So what the screen it is for this context?

If we follow the name of category to design, we just redesign the different folders icon for different categories, almost like xbox tiles or iOS icons, and you may found that we took much attention into the graphic design which makes something beautiful but not much else. Design is more than that.

The main characters in the film, actors, wonderful plot, amazing game and these brings the happy experiences to the family, and all of this motivates me sitting at the screen to watch not the beautiful graphic or icons.


We have to focusing on the content, the poster and cover is the most representative in digital world, it was designed by the producer, it was existing in ours bus station\market\lift, it inherits the real world with impression when it be shown on the screen, so the cover is the point.


Big and Less could reflects the focus things. So this layout is the inevitable, it also will be the core for TV screen.


As the Phone and Tablet, there is the priority to define the content, my family members loves the film\TV series and reality shows, less documentary and education, I would watch the HD videos from Youtube and Vimeo, my son wants cartoon. This is the priority of my family, so we need the Dock or something like that to customize.

This is the difference between the TV screen and the Interactive Kiosk.

