A short story about loneliness

Sketching Words
Sketching Words
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2024

“ “A short story about loneliness” is the first film project I created with my friend. We were not happy with it, but we decided that we would see the project through to completion. We didn’t expect it to inspire so many people within the Sketching Words initiative.

But here we are, having seen the wonderful work of talented people inspired by this short film. We are extremely grateful to everyone who participated and did an amazing job.

And let the film itself be an inspiration that it is worthwhile to look for value in one’s works and bring them to completion. Personally, I can say that in the process of making it I learned things I am now using in future projects. So let’s keep that in mind when creating. Not everything has to be a masterpiece. It is important that through creating we develop ourselves and in the obstacles we encounter we should see opportunities.”


A few months ago we received “A short story of loneliness”, a short film co-directed by Krzysiek. Therefore, we decided to invite some of the people involved in Sketching Words to create works taking inspiration from it and to share a few words about how the short film influenced their creations. We’re going to finally share the short film with you, along with the works inspired by it and the notes from their creators...

“A short story of loneliness” (short film co-directed by Krzysiek)


Veressnik — “Plastic Love”, animation


“In my interpretation, the film is about a boy who tries to find love. This world is so unique and beautiful because of the materials, except the main material. Plastic makes the film’s world rotten. But this dance of love between the two bags is delightful and satisfying in one way.”

Martine — “Loneliness”, image created using different frames of the short film

“I made an image related to the video, about the loneliness and the suffering of the lonely person… As you perhaps can see, I selected some frames from the short film (the young man’s face) and superimposed them in a single image. As if he were always alone, with his thoughts.”

Andrea — “Selene”, song


“This piece explores the depths of isolation and the yearning for connection. I was fascinated to observe how it naturally transformed from a somber soundscape to gentler melodies, culminating in an airy and hopeful finale. Perhaps I subconsciously wanted to celebrate the hidden beauty found within alienation.”

Violeta — “Empty Glass”, poem

“I saw it from the point of view of the person whose company is sought by the lonely person. The detail of filling the glass with coke and drinking it in the end brought me to the concept of thirst. I also took the detail of cigarette smoke from the girl who was smoking in the movie.”

Alessandro feat. The Wooden Circles — “Silently”, song


“ “Silently” is inspired by the main actor of this short story. I saw loneliness and longing for love at the same time. There is a need for love behind a blue screen. A true love? An idealized love, probably. The hope disappears when the idealized love crashes with reality, ending again in front of a blue screen. It’s a story of the modern world that tries to find a meaning.

It’s a story of loneliness.”

Matt — “Outside Of This Room”, poem

“Loneliness is a recurring theme in my writing, but the hardest part of this composition was writing about it from someone else’s perspective. While watching the short film I had the impression that the main focus wasn’t showing the loneliness of the protagonist, but his struggles to interact with other people. Therefore, I tried to put myself in his shoes and to imagine some of his thoughts. The real doubt is how much my own thoughts have influenced this note…”

Have a good view (and listening)…

