Round 2 is over!

Sketching Words
Sketching Words
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


Between January and February we shared here and on Instagram several texts along with photographs, digital illustrations and paintings that inspired or took inspiration from them.

Here is a complete list of what we have published:

Sole” (text by Mira, image by Les montagnes bleues)

Lack of Magic” (text by María, image by Fred)

Trapped” (text by Reto, image by Alina)

The Life Of A Flower” (text by Alessandra, image by Fred)

Clock” (text by María, image by Reto)

Behind The Mirror” (text by Reto, image by Fred)

When I Had No Hope For Us…” (text by María, images by Fred and Veressnik)

A Secret To Reveal” (text by Matt, image by Veressnik)

Blue Field” (text by Matt, image by Mira)

The Runaway Kid” (text by Matt, images by Alina and James, Fred and Veressnik)

4 a.m.” (text by Matt and image by Fred)

Resurrection” (text and image by Lika inspired by several pieces of text and images)

We really wish you enjoyed the works we shared and we thank the people who shared their works for this round, involving new ones who hadn’t taken part in the previous one.

We haven’t planned a third round yet, but other works are coming in the next few weeks. So stay tuned!

María, Greta, Ewa and Matt

P.S.: sketch from María

