Google IO. Voice UI Tips from James Giangola

Anna Iurchenko
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2017

If you are involved into voice interactions design, this talk by James Giangola from Google IO is must see. And because we all here are visual thinkers, check my sketchnotes below too ✏️ 😉.

If you are a visual thinker like me you may like my Hand Drawn Design Tips — weekly 1 min read newsletter on product design.

His talk is full of great examples of how boring and inappropriote current voice assistants and the way he would re-design them.

Applying Built-in Hacks of Conversation to Your Voice UI (Google I/O ‘17)



Anna Iurchenko

Designer, Health AI at Google. Board member IxDA San Francisco. I’m curious to understand people & I’m driven to build great products for them. Love sketching!