Sharon Stephen
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020


Adulting: A new kind of worry

Recently, I’ve been filled with new kinds of worries and anxieties.

My thought patterns have changed

‘How do I get an extra source of income?’

‘Where am I going to work after my internship?’

‘I need to be independent from my parents’

‘I need money for so and so’

‘I need to invest in so and so’

‘Transportation is so expensive’


Truth be told, most of my worries of late have been financial.

It’s been a serious worry even.

With the way salary gets delayed (perks of being a government worker), I’m 100% certain that I do not want my salary to be my sole source of income. I do not want to rely on it even.

I’m so worried and anxious. I have no business ideas and no alternative plans.

But wait… when did money become such an issue? And why?

Do I no longer trust God? Am I now deciding to secure the bag by myself?

Have I forgotten that God is the one that has been providing for me all these years?

Have you forgotten the times that God sent financial help when you needed it the most?

Dear Sharon:



Sharon Stephen

A young Nigerian woman, sharing her thoughts and feelings, while hoping that you find solace or solidarity in her written words. 💜