Bring Back February Vacation (Opinion)

Kira Berube
SKHS Rebellion
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2019

By Kira Berube

Eliminating February vacation is an enormous mistake for a number of reasons. The regular routine of school wears down the active mind because of the constant routine and regular schedule, young minds need change and diversity, and illness often spreads like wildfire during the coldest time of the year.

February’s cold weather and slow activity.

The February vacation period falls amidst the shorter days of the year, the frigid cold weather, and the dreary days with the occasional snowfall. For many, this time of year lacks energy and excitement. For most, this period involves electronics and other passive activities.

The solar equinox remains far off during February, and at this time a break from school meets the needs of many students and faculty. Without question, mid to late February provides an ideal time to reorganize, recharge, and renew one’s surroundings.

Snow blanketing outside with white.

For example, February family travels and new life experiences would be most beneficial, such as a trip to Rome to visit the Colosseum or a flight to Greece to visit the Parthenon or even a trip to Disney or the Grand Canyon to see all these parks offer.

A winter break also offers students the opportunity to alleviate the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, in which 20 percent of Americans suffer from, due to a lack of sunlight. The opportunities for families to spend time together outside of the everyday routine and take to the outdoors lends itself to creating much more loving, caring, and connected experiences in life. In this, a more friendly user environment families build tighter bonds.

In addition, a February vacation also offers the health benefits of removing oneself from environments where the flu virus and other health hazards flourish. The most famous incubators for these diseases continue to be schools.

In spite of the availability of effective flu vaccines, it should be remembered that 2–4 million people died of influenza in the early 1900s. In 2019 alone, children have died from flu-related illnesses, and several schools in Colorado have been closed to alleviate the danger and rampant spread of the norovirus.

The benefits of keeping the February vacation far out weigh the observed value of eliminating this time out and this break truly creates a win-win situation for everyone.

This cold weather would make it a nice time to travel somewhere warm.



Kira Berube
SKHS Rebellion
Writer for

A South Kingstown High School freshman, who plays volleyball and many other sports. Kira’s here trying to learn more about writing by starting here.