Mandating Community Service?

SKHS Rebellion
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2015

By Jean Marie Arnold

Since the mid-1990s Community Service has become a graduation requirement in high schools across the nation. As a graduation requirement the student must complete a significant number of hours ranging from 8–60 hours, depending on the school system.

“I feel like [community service] is needed to have a sense of community,” said Junior Jenna Ross “it makes you feel better about yourself to help others and give back.”

Even though most student feel that mandatory community service is a good thing, some believe it’s the opposite.

If a designated amount of hours is required to graduate, some groups across the country consider that work involuntary there for unconstitutional. These groups also believe that true volunteering lies in an individual’s will and drive to help others and enforcing it eliminates that drive.

Many groups believe that required community service violates the thirteen amendment. Section 1 of the thirteenth amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Sara E. Helms, an assistant professor of economics at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama told The New York Times, “Does it dilute the signal value of volunteering?”

Too many, however, community Service is viewed as beneficial to the expansion of awareness for less fortunate in the community. It is also a way to build character, prompt future community involvement and boost academic achievement.

At South Kingstown High School, Student Learning Expectation C6 requires all students to submit an item into their portfolio that demonstrates an understanding of political, environmental, social and economic issues that affect the present and future health of our community and world. Students have the option to complete a five hour community service project that addresses C6. If student do not complete community service, they can chose a piece of work from class or create a self-generated project that demonstrates an understanding of SLE C6.

According to some students, teachers at South Kingstown High School rarely help students find opportunities to complete community service hours. Members of National Honor Society can get guidance on finding community service by the leaders, Mrs. Sorlien and Mrs. Saborio.

South Kingstown High School junior Kelsey Simmons believes “If [community service] is requirement, I think teachers should help you with finding opportunities.”

Recent studies have also shown that requiring student to take part in community service to graduate from high school will the actually reduce their volunteering in the future. The pressure of requiring community service could put pressure on students and may turn them against future service involvement.

According to a study done by Professor of Psychology from University of Rochester, Edward l. Deci, “when students or any individuals perceive that they are being controlled externally, the natural human response is to lose enthusiasm for the project and toward the behaviors that are being promoted.”

