OP ED: Renewable Energy is the Way of the Future…

Daniel J. Kelley
SKHS Rebellion
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2015
Tesla’s all new renewable energy concept The Power Wall.

The biggest issue in today’s world is global warming and its increasing effects.

The root cause of global warming is burning fossil fuels which destroy the planet’s environment. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas all create carbon dioxide emissions which are building up and causing the ozone layer to deteriorate. The ozone layer is essential to support life here on Earth; without it we could not survive. There is a solution: Tesla Energy’s invention The Power Wall.

Earth’s ozone layer.

The ozone layer acts like a giant sunshade, and blocks out all of the sun’s harmful rays. In order to save the ozone layer and stop global warming or at the very least control it, we must look towards new ways of creating power. This is where the concept of renewable energy comes into play.

Renewable energy is a non polluting way of creating power for everyday use. The sun produces massive amounts of energy each and every second free for the taking through the use of solar panels. Solar panels have been around since 1954 and have made a significant difference. Solar panels only function during the day, however, and they do not have the ability to store massive amounts of energy in order to run a house off the grid.

The Power Wall offers much more than just passive solar energy. The Power Wall uses solar panel technology to go beyond what passive solar energy can do alone. The Power wall technology could be the biggest breakthrough on self sufficient living.

Modern day Solar Panels.

Quite recently the well known Tesla motor company, best known for their high quality electric cars such as the Model S, came up with a solution to this drawback. Tesla’s solution to this problem is called the Tesla Power Wall which the company hopes will revolutionize everything with solar energy and its benefits.

It not only functions as a silent back up generator, it also acts as a giant battery essentially allowing houses to live completely off the grid.

Power Wall in action.

The Power Wall connects to solar panels and takes the energy the solar panels produce and store it in a battery. This allows for complete energy independence, a safe and clean renewable way of living.

The Power Wall retails for a modest $3,000 which is quite affordable, especially considering how much this application will save a family in energy bills.

The Power Wall is even more priceless because by using this product people also are helping to cut CO2 emissions, and as a result,decreasing global warming.

The benefits of the Power Wall are endless and so are the possibilities of how much this invention will change the world.

In fact, inventions is incorporated into building such as schools. In fact, it’s very possible that it will save schools the money that they would be otherwise be using to pay for power and heat. Such money savings can be put towards the future opening up schools budgets and benefiting future generations.

A school equipped with solar panels.

Solar panels are a very practical application for safe and clean power production and with the addition of the Power Wall to solar panels the system will be even more practical. Tesla is also releasing a commercial version of the Power Wall system which will be released to the market in March.

Tesla Commercial Power Wall Battery Units.

The Tesla Power Wall commercial units are mounted on the roofs of buildings and in other structures and provide ample power when needed. To change the situation of global warming all that is needed is a little bit of innovation and less dependency on the use of fossil fuels for energy production. If we can do this then the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere can be cut in half and if that's done then global warming can be brought under control.

In order to save the planet, the way we create power needs to be changed so that methods like burning coal, oil, and gas are a thing of the past. Change is always possible but it requires recognition and attention in order to bring it about.



Daniel J. Kelley
SKHS Rebellion

SKHS class of 2016, SK Sailor, Eagle Scout, and RETIERED writer for the South Kingstown High school Rebellion. Future Aviator ⚓️⛵️✈️ Subscribe for more content