Opinion: Hillary Clinton will be First Female President

SKHS Rebellion
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2015

By Margaret Vorhaben

Hillary Clinton announced her presidential candidacy in May 2015, and she could very well become the first female president of the United States. The U.S. has elected 44 presidents to date, 43 of them being Caucasian males, and only just recently has an African American male become president. However, the United States has yet to see a female in the oval office. America is one of the most forward thinking countries in the world, yet practically all of our leaders belong to the same demographic. The election of Hillary Clinton would bring about much needed change in the United States, both politically and socially.

Politically, Hillary Clinton has working, middle class American families in mind. Firstly, Clinton plans to lower taxes for working families, allowing them to invest more in education. She also aims to lower the cost of college, allowing college students to come out with fewer loans to pay back. Clinton promises to raise the federal minimum wage as well. This would not only help individuals, but America’s economy would be boosted as well. Lastly, Clinton supports small businesses owners and opportunities for American business men and women to thrive in our economy.

Clinton’s political stances all revolve around the average middle class American family; her efforts aim to equalize the benefits available to the rich and the benefits available to America’s working class. If Hillary Clinton were elected president, the growing middle class would benefit from cheaper education, lower taxes and higher minimum wages.

In addition to her political views, Clinton’s social reform would assist Americans as well. Clinton advocates for gender equality and women’s rights in the workplace. Her Paycheck Fairness Act would “give women the legal tools we need to fight discrimination at work,” as Clinton said herself in a speech delivered to the Democratic Women’s Council in Columbia, South Carolina.

Clinton also believes that “women’s rights are human rights.” She supports gay rights and equal marriage for all. Her forward thinking would help advance America and deliver the equal rights the United States was built upon to all Americans, regardless of race, gender, or any other defining factor.

In the last 225 years, America has elected 44 presidents, all of them male. Only just recently has an African American male been elected, and never has a woman held office. However, Hillary Clinton is perhaps the closest to becoming the first female president of the United States. Her political policies involve advancing the middle class and providing affordable education to young Americans in college. She also supports not only women’s rights, but gay rights as well.

If Hillary Clinton were elected d 45th president of the United States, the country would benefit greatly from her leadership. 2016 will be the first year a female is elected president of the United States.

