How to Prepare a Pitch Deck: Skidmore Weighs In

Rick Christiaanse
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2017

You’ve set up your business, created the perfect product and hit the ground running and now want to catapult your business into success. The path to making these ideas and manifesting their vision of success into a reality often leads business owners to seek funding.

Searching for angel investors and attracting venture capitalists is the natural next step. A pitch deck is your first communication tool to help you raise funds with potential investors and showcase your company in the most attractive light. Read further for Skidmore’s guide on preparing a pitch deck to attract investors’ attention.


You first slide should be a short overview of your company. Describe your company, what problem it solves, where you are located, key members of your team and any existing traction

Skidmore Tip — In your presentation, instead of regurgitating, simply summarize your main objective. Start with “this is my company and this is what we do”


In this slide, showcase the people behind your idea and company. Provide pictures of key team members, their roles and a short summary of their previous experience and expertise. Advisors and board members should be included to boost credibility.

Skidmore Tip — Investors often see a company’s team as the most important determinant of whether or not to invest. Your people can be your greatest asset. Focus on a significant and relevant accomplishment for each team member to identify them as top performing winners


What problem are you trying to solve? Why is this problem important and who are you solving this problem for? Be compelling with storytelling how you share the problem and make it relatable to the audience.

Skidmore Tip — Your goal with this slide is to have everyone nodding and agreeing with what you are saying

Visit our website to learn the next steps in successfully delivering your business pitch, and learn the Skidmore tips to help seal your deal.



Rick Christiaanse
Editor for

Investing in business leaders and family legacies, ready to accelerate growth and master their industry.