“Whatever happens…. stick together”

Fernando Barandiarán
Skiing through life…
4 min readJul 30, 2017

I am writing these letters while finishing the ottakringer beer at the airport. Both my writing and senses may be affected by the beer and emotions of this weekend.

10 years is a lot of time… in 10 years anything can happen… from being alive to not… but 10 years later we were at the same spot where we met!

10 years later we saw each other again… some of the faces probably not seen since the last bye bye party 10 years ago, still everything seemed familiar…

I guess doctors will have studied how the memory (long term memory in this case) works but I am not a Doctor. I am a single guy that thinks that long term memory takes a while to restart, to recover and to express the feelings you felt at that moment years ago.

It took a while for most of us to recover from the shock… which shock? Well we were standing 10 years later in the same city that gave us the gift of presenting us to each other! The shock of seeing faces that were “forgotten” in our brains. The shock of it being possible.

10 years ago in between tears and eternal promises one guy stood and shouted… lets celebrate a 10 year reunion… YEEEEES. OF COURSE. HOW NOT. Sure everyone at that moment felt that the reunion was neccesary even mandatory… but was it real? Was someone responsible enough to start it? Well it seems there is that some one… at least in my erasmus community… as most of my spanish friends who went into Erasmus have not celebrated anything! Glad to be part of that Vienna Erasmus 2007–2008 community and happy to have Gabi in it (she was the one to send the facebook message a year ago).


It is difficult to resume this weekend in just a few words. Maybe because back then I didnt use to write posts and maybe because sometimes it is just not possible.

Sitting at the airport, looking through photos that we took trying to copy those taken years ago I suddenly have something clear. I am in love with my live. I am. Why? Cause I had the opportunity to go into erasmus 10 years ago… cause I had the opportunity to come back here again. Cause we were mostly all here (some in thoughts) and most importantly because I know how fuc**ng lucky I (we) are that is is even possible. While rain pours and the flight gets delayed I get more time to finish this quick and small post.

Some things I want to point out:

  • LOCO: Loco is a club we used to go back then on wednesdays as it had Erasmus Karaoke party. I think i went all wednesdays, maybe I missed one or two. The place is small, smelly, sticky in the floor and hot and dense as an atmosphere. Not the ideal club, not the ideal place to go on a Saturday. It was far away from the dinner place and even further to go back home… but we went. We went and it was a success. It was like the old times. It took time to get in the mood but it was worth it. Memories, songs, smells, faces, drinks, all started together to mix as a cocktail that is awesome in flavour, intense in mouth, lasting in spicyness and that you know it will give you the worst hungover ever. And it did!
  • People: we were close to 40 people… not bad! People all the way from USA, Australia, Italy, Spain,…. Made the effort of investing their holidays in a few days in Vienna. THANKS. For those who did not make it, weee hate you… naaaa we missed you and you were here with us in our heads!

THANKS to everyone it felt as a past Loco party. It felt authentic, real and as used to be. Everyone put their best effort and energy into it and it was worth it.

  • Dinners were awesome. Both places met the expectations and created a great atmosphere for catching up and updating life status, work and future.
  • Organizer and Reservations. I did not want to end without saying many many many thanks to them. They started it, pushed it, got it working and made reservations and plans for everyone. THANKS Gabi and Christine!

Please never stop fighting, never stop pushing and never stop dreaming. 10 years and we are still incredible people with dreams, families being made (3 moms brought their kids) and couples starting life together (many people married or getting married proximately)

Lastly but not least important. Continue to be #BebedoresdeVida or #LifeDrinkers

P.D. Sorry for any mistakes and sentences that may have not sense. Not easy to write this on an iPhone.



Fernando Barandiarán
Skiing through life…

Esquiador, Viajero, Cervecero, #Bebedordevida, disfrutón y sobretodo amante de la buena vida y de los momentos de tapeo y cañeo con los amigos.