Accelerate Recruitment with Automated Video Interview

Skil AI
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2020

Once your AI-powered bot has screened and shortlisted resumes from the candidate pool, the next step in the recruitment process is the video interview. AI recruitment bots can generate meeting IDs and send automated video meeting requests to the shortlisted candidates. This automated video interviewing facilitates organizations to screen candidates through video interviews rather than just resumes.

AI-based video bot is capable of taking video-based technical and HR interviews of the candidates with custom questions and once the interview is complete, the bot sends out a summary and a detailed 100 data points feedback to the recruiter, including behavioral and technical aspects, capturing candidate’s personality and authenticity. AI-powered video bot interview provides in-depth insights beyond what’s in the C.V. The video bot is excellent and human-like in analyzing facial expressions, voice tones, and body language. The process can help revolutionize your hiring process, enabling recruiters to save time and drive high-quality talent.

Advantages of AI-powered Video Interview

Let’s take a glimpse at the advantages of including video bot interview in your hiring process:

· Automated and AI-based video interviews help gauge soft skills, body language, and culture fit early in the process

· It helps speed up the selection process as the recruiter can engage with the candidate sooner with minimal setup required

· Artificial Intelligence recruitment tools such as video bot interview help enhance the quality of hire as the recruiter is able to view and hear the candidate at the very first stage of recruitment, enabling them to make a better judgement

· It allows the candidate to appear for the online interview at any time convenient to them, minimizing the hassle of no-show. The recruiter is also able to evaluate the interviewer at their own convenience, comparing and contrasting how each interviewee has answered the same set of questions

· AI-powered video interview also ensures there are no proxy candidates. A video bot can match the candidate’s image on video with the picture collected earlier on in the application process. If the image matches, it will go ahead with the interview but if the image doesn’t match or more than one face is detected, video interview will end

· It removes the potential for human error and bias that could certainly stand in the way of accepting a candidate

· Video interview helps reduce recruitment cost for both the recruiter and the organization

Applications of AI-powered Video Interview

AI-powered recruitment tools like the video bot interview can be used in a wide range of scenarios like:

Campus Recruitment

A video interview is extremely helpful in a scenario where hundreds of candidates are to be evaluated. The key objective is to hire hardworking and diligent individuals to minimize the Cost-to-Company (CTC) per employee. The process can be extremely laborious and time-consuming. AI-powered video bot interview tool enables talent acquisition managers to perform thousands of candidate interviews at a time. It does not conduct the interviews sequentially, rather parallel to help save valuable time and money.

Hiring for Senior Level Positions

When recruiting for top-level job positions, the video bot interview tool is capable of asking both technical and non-technical questions to help understand the candidate’s core expertise and whether he or she is ideal for the job role.

The benefits of AI in recruitment are profound, especially when video bots conduct systematized and streamlined interviews for effective hiring.

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Skil AI

Lisa from transforms the way companies discover, qualify and recruit top candidates using artificial intelligence.