5 Digital Marketing Trends to lapse in 2018

Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

A month down in 2018, budgets in, new year hangover went, its business as usual and yes Digital Marketing is still the top strategy for almost all organisations.

While brainstorming, for the purpose of this blog, one thought leads to another and as we search Google with “Best Marketing Technique” there are about 18,50,00,000 results displayed. However, as an experienced marketer knows, there is not one best technique. What has worked in the past may not work today or it may happen that history actually repeats itself and like fashion trends, some of the so-called “ice-age” marketing techniques, flood your lead pool and lift your business to a greater height. Whatever is the case, we at Skilfinity have found that the best way is to improvise.

We have listed below five digital marketing trends we think will lapse in 2018 (Although we are sure, you will notice, it’s more of improvising the existing techniques)

One size fits all

Let go of the herd mentality. With the evolving marketing strategies, customers expect more and more of personalization. They want to be treated as individuals and one size does not fit all. Hence, building your buyer persona, also referred as marketing persona is important. Buyer personas help you understand your current and prospective customers better. Which in turn makes it easier for you to personalize your content, messaging, product development, and services to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different groups.

Marketers need to rethink the concepts of drip campaigns and mass emails. They should send personalized emails with relevant content based on the customers’ online behavior rather than bombarding them with several generic emails and a chain of follow up emails.

Plain and lengthy text

It is time to say goodbye to the long and heavy text and adopt a new way to show more of visually appealing content.

According to the Social Science Research Network, 65 percent of us are visual learners, making us humans as visual Creatures. People find photos, videos supported by text more engaging than only text. Its scientifically proven that images get fed directly into the customers’ memory than text, which in turn can push them to engage with a brand or make them buy the product. or make them buy the product.

Content in the form of videos, animation, brand engagement quizzes and interactive pages are easy to digest and have a better conversion rate.

More is better

According to a recent study by We are Social, there are now more than 4 billion people around the world using the internet and needless to say they are exposed to an enormous amount of content. Yes, content is still marketing’s reigning monarch and of course, relevant content is a no-brainer. There is no doubt that quantity helps in gaining the opportunity to rank for SEO and hence you can drive more traffic to your website, but nowadays research has started to show that people are not happy with an unnecessarily high number of blogs with relatively nonsense content, which lacks personalizations and are non-relatable.

High-quality content attracts more visitors. They might be turned off if they don’t find the content relevant. It is better to focus on one subject per blog and write it in detail than repeating the content in different blogs.

Everything is organic

As a Facebook page manager, have you noticed a drop in engagement with your organic posts? If the answer is yes, then you are not the only one who has noticed this. As the number of pages and content has increased, the organic reach has declined. Researchers anticipate this number to go down further..

Now is a good time to boost your Facebook posts to reach a wider audience. Focus more on Facebook live, videos, quality over quantity and trending topics to increase the reach.

Popup ads

Ever dropped off a website cause of constant pop up interruptions? We know and agree these interruptions are very annoying.

Google announced in 2016 that it was looking to penalize mobile websites that use irritating popup ads and interstitials.

There are high chances that Google might prefer the mobile websites that do not have popups over the ones that allow popups in terms of ranking. Save your visitors the unnecessary pop-up poking.

The Bottom Line

Everything has a shelf life and digital marketing is no exception. Marketers need to keep evolving in terms of strategies and stay ahead of the current trends so that they can reach their prospective customers effectively.

Do what it takes (read: talk to us — info@skilfinity.com), be bold, push hard for the right things, even if you are unsure of the results. In the end, it’s always a win-win — You either miss some quantitative goals, but learn a great deal or you have a champion of a campaign which brings in the moolah without any credibility damage.

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Skilfinity is a global full-service digital marketing, analytics and marketing consulting company headquartered in Singapore. Visit us: https://skilfinity.com