Case Study: How an IT services company scaled its operations in a new geography through inbound marketing? Credit: Unsplash

Case Study: How an IT services company scaled its operations in a new geography through inbound marketing?

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2020


Inbound Marketing

HubSpot’s co-founder and CEO, Brian Halligan coined the term Inbound Marketing, which is defined as “Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms connections they’re looking for and solves problems they already have.”


A European IT services company, specializing in consulting, product innovation and training wanted to establish its presence in Asia. With strong incumbents in the region, it had to find ways to penetrate the market, build credibility for its deep tech subject matter expertise and enable an organically led brand awareness campaign.


  • Build brand awareness to promote capability, expand audiences, increase viewability, and build brand affinity.
  • Increase engagement, build a strong local community and reputation on technology expertise


  • Understanding the audience: We created two distinct personas and carefully observed their search behaviour to learn how to best connect with them at the moments that matter
  • Reaching the audience: We advertised against both “branded” and “technology category” keywords to attract the attention of new and undecided consumers.
  • We teamed with Google and Social Media channels to measure Search ad impact on brand awareness and perception
  • Engaging the audience through 360-degree marketing and seamlessly combining online and offline efforts — hosting developer community events, participating in various technology events and driving users to tailored, branded content (including coding videos of quick application, hacks and clean-code) on both desktop and mobile-optimized landing pages


  • 75% reach among the intended audience
  • Increased assisted conversions by 32%
  • Grew its community “meet up” channel by 2,000 subscribers, contributing to over 50% of current subscriber base.

Approach: Greater harmony, collaboration, efficiency, and performance

As the campaign needed to be a seamless collaboration between online and offline channels of marketing we proceeded with four essentials:

  1. Don’t focus on budget, instead invest in your marketing mix where demand is highest
  2. Ensure that your marketing strategy aligns with the vision of the business
  3. Establish OKR (Objectives and Key Results) goal system to keep you on the right track
  4. Listen to different perspectives (including competitors) about what you need to change

Planning a new geography expansion or a new product launch? Let’s talk.

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